Thursday, January 7, 2016
3:00-6:00pm Executive Committee Meeting (Salon 14)
Friday, January 8, 2016
Room 1: Salon 14
Conference Opening Address: Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool)
8:45-9:00 Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool). Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00-10:30 Names and Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Mystery (Part I)
Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool)
9:00-9:30 Laurel Sutton (Catchword). Heroines and heroes: Gender in the personal names of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
9:30-10:00 Martyna Gibka (University of Gdańsk). Secondary functions of the characters’ names in Harry Potter.
10:00-10:30 Brad Wilcox (Brigham Young University), Bruce L. Brown (Brigham Young University), and Wendy Baker-Smemoe (Brigham Young University). Tolkien’s phonoprint in character names throughout his invented languages.
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Names and Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Mystery (Part II)
Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)
11:00-11:30 Veronika Robustova (Lomonosov Moscow State University ) Names as Character Clues.
11:30-12:00 Karin Christina Ryding (Georgetown University). The Arabic of Dune: How language shapes a world.
12:00-1:00 Names of the Year Selection
Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University). Name of the Year Selection.
1:00-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-3:00 Keynote Speech I: Research and Preservation of Names at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool)
2:00-3:00 Laura Ivanov and Sara-Joelle Clark (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
3:00-5:00 Names and Literature I
Mirko Casagranda (University of Calabria)
3:00-3:30 Grant Smith (Eastern Washington University) The semiotics of names in MWW.
3:30-4:00 Krysta Purcell (Appalachian State University). Exploring the unknown: An onomastic study of Over the Wall.
4:00-4:30 Maryann Parada (University of Illinois at Chicago). Ethnolinguistic identity and the names of bilingual U.S. Latinos.
4:30-5:00 Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University) The (un)importance of being Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: Interchangeable nomenclature and identity
5:00 Break
5:30-6:30 Words of the Year Vote (with the American Dialect Society); Room: Shaw/LeDroit Park
Room 2: Salon 15
Conference Opening Address: Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool)
8:45-9:00 Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool). Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:00-10:30 Names and Africa I
Lisa Radding (Ethnic Technologies)
9:00-9:30 Preston Christensen (Brigham Young University). My father’s name: A study in patronymic naming in Mozambique.
10:00-10:30 Edward L. Forgacs (IBM Context Computing-Global Name Management), and Kemp Williams (IBM Context Computing-Global Name Management). The Distribution of Abdul in Arabic and Non-Arabic given names.
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Names and Patterning
Michael McGoff (Binghamton University)
11:00-11:30 Frankie Patman Maguire (IBM Context Computing-Global Name Management), and Kemp Williams (IBM Context Computing-Global Name Management). Improved name matching using name frequency comparisons.
11:30-12:00 Iman Nick (University of Cologne//University of Liverpool). A thorn by any other name: A forensic onomastic investigation of criminal aliases used by 100 fugitives featured on the FBI Most Wanted List.
12:00-1:00 Names of the Year Selection
Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University). Name of the Year Selection.
1:00-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-3:00 Keynote Speech I: Research and Preservation of Names at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Salon 14)
Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool)
2:00-3:00 Laura Ivanov and Sara-Joelle Clark (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Research and Preservation of Names at the USHMM (Salon 14)
3:00-4:30 Names, Children, and Africa
Kemp Williams (IBM Corporation)
4:00-4:30 Joshua Abiodun Ogunwale (Obafemi Awolowo University). Paradigm shifts in Yoruba anthroponyms: A critical discourse analysis of Yoruba reincarnated children’s names.
5:00 Break
5:30-6:30 Words of the Year Vote (with the American Dialect Society); Room: Shaw/LeDroit Park
Saturday, January 10, 2016
Room 1: Salon 14
9:00-10:30 Names and Identity I
Michael McGoff (Binghamton University)
9:00-9:30 Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University). Are Cornhuskers still classy? An update on social class differences on infant names in Nebraska.
9:30-10:00 Olga Khotskina (Novosibirsk State University). Naming Patterns.
10:00-10:30 Thomas J. Gasque (University of South Dakota). The Power of Naming.
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Names, Religion, and Identity I
Priscilla Ord (Mc Daniel College)
10:45-11:15 Joshua Alfaro (Trinity International University). The study of Biblical onomastics in late antiquity: Philo, Origen, and Jerome.
11:45-12:15 Feyi Ademola-Adeoye (University of Lagos), Osipeju Babasola (Michael Otedola College of Primary Education , and Tiamiyu Olabisi (University of Lagos). Pragmatic and syntactic analysis of church names in Nigeria.
12:15-13:30 Lunch Break
1:30 Keynote Speech II: Reclaiming Identity: Indigenous Stereotypes and Misperceptions
Iman Nick (University of Cologne)
1:30-2:30 Jacqueline Pata (Executive Director of the National Congress of American Indians). Reclaiming Identity: Indigenous Stereotypes and Misperceptions.
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-4:15 Names and Identity II
Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University)
2:45-3:15 Iman Nick (University of Cologne//University of Liverpool). Mistaken Identity: The effect of ethnically marked names on German school teacher assessments.
3:15-3:45 Eri Kitada (The University of Tokyo). Naming, race, and space in the United States.
3:45- 4:15 Michal Rom (Bar Ilan University). Women’s marital names: Some new perspectives.
4:15-5:00 Break
5:00-6:00 ANS Annual Business Meeting and Awards Presentation
7:30-10:00 ANS Conference Dinner Clyde’s of Gallery Place
707 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.(Phone: 202-349-3700)
Room 2: Salon 15
10:45-12:15 Names and Place II
Dwan Shipley (Western Washington University)
10:45-11:15 Luisa Caiazzo (University of Naples “L’Orientale”). The naming game: old/new names in the streets of Bombay/Mumbai.
11:15-11:45 Yi-An Chen (University of Florida). Transliteration or free translation: The English station names of the Taipei Metro.
11:45-12:15 Douglas Vandegraft (U.S. Board on Geographic Names). “What was the name of that bar?” The notorious bars of Alaska
12:15-13:30 Lunch Break
1:30 Keynote Speech II: Reclaiming Identity: Indigenous Stereotypes and Misperceptions (Salon 14)
Iman Nick (University of Cologne/University of Liverpool)
1:30-2:30 Jacqueline Pata (Executive Director of the National Congress of American Indians). Reclaiming Identity: Indigenous Stereotypes and Misperceptions (Salon 14)
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Names and Business I
Kemp Williams (IBM Corporation)
3:15-3:45 Jong-mi Kim (Kangwon National University). Brand naming to sell worldwide: Phonological principles and tips.
3:45- 4:15 Ellen Osterhaus (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire). Sound patterns in American product and personal names.
4:15-5:00 Break
5:00-6:00 ANS Annual Business Meeting and Awards Presentation
7:30-10:00 ANS Conference Dinner Clyde’s of Gallery Place
707 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.(Phone: 202-349-3700)
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Room 1: Salon 14
9:00-10:30 Names and Identity III
Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)
9:30-10:00 Michel Nguessan (Governors State University) and Sidiki Bamba (Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny). The use of nicknames among the native peoples of Côte-d’Ivoire.
10:00-10:30 Nancy Hill (University of Texas at El Paso Library). Classical Pseudonyms as Rhetorical Devices in Response to Jay’s Treaty.
10:30-10:45 BREAK
11:00-12:00 ANS Executive Council Meeting.
Room 2: Salon 15
9:00-10:30 Names and Business II
Iman Nick (Cologne University/University of Liverpool)
9:00-9:30 Mirko Casagranda (University of Calabria). Fifty shades of green: A multimodal analysis of eco-friendly American trademarks.
9:30-10:00 Laura Heymann (William & Mary Law School). Naming and Reclaiming.
10:00-10:30 Lindsay Jernigan ( Queenie, Bones, and a girl named Larry: The English Name in Chinese Culture and Society.
10:30-10:45 BREAK
11:00-12:00 ANS Executive Council Meeting. (Room 2: Salon 15)