American Name Society
2012 Annual Meeting
Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon
January 5 – 7, 2012
Unless otherwise noted, all events take place in Salon III of the Executive Tower
Thursday, 5 January
Executive Committee Meeting
Time: 12:00 – 3:30 PM
Opening Remarks & Welcome
4:00 – 4:15
Kemp Williams (IBM Global Name Recognition)
President, American Name Society
Chair: Dwan Lee Shipley (Western Washington University)
4:15 Samira Hassa (Manhattan College): Decrypting the French colonial association doctrine through street names in Casablanca, Fes, and Rabat, Morocco
5:15 Dwan Lee Shipley (Western Washington University): A comparative toponymic analysis of selected mountains in The Alps, Appalachians, Black Hills, Colorado Rockies, and The Himalayas
Sister Societies Meet and Greet
8:30 – 10:00 – Porto Terra Lounge, Executive Tower of the conference hotel. Cash bar.
Please join us for a social hour with members of the American Name Society, the American Dialect Society, the North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences, the Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages, and the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas.
Friday 6 January
Multicultural Personal Names
Chair: Saundra K. Wright (California State University, Chico)
8:00 Rebecca Starr (Stanford University): Disambiguating romanized Chinese personal names: A corpus-based approach to back-transliteration and gender identification
8:30 Giancarla Unser-Schutz (Hitotsubashi University): Assessing the difficulty of reading recent Japanese names
9:00 Yi-An Jason Chen (San Jose State University) Taiwanese English majors’ choices and changes of English names
9:30 Saundra K. Wright (California State University, Chico): Naming decisions made by international students studying in the U.S.
Naming Potpourri I
Chair: Ernest Lawrence Abel (Wayne State University)
10:15 Christine De Vinne (Notre Dame of Maryland University): Tune That Name: How a “college” became a “university”
10:45 Don L. F. Nilsen (Arizona State University), Alleen Pace Nilsen (Arizona State University): Pronouns, nouns, and names as unique identifiers
11:15 André Lapierre (University of Ottawa): The Barcelona papers: A compass of onomastics in the world today
11:45 Ernest Lawrence Abel (Wayne State University): Eponymous sex
12:15-1:45 (Locations TBA) Interest Group Lunches
Literary Names – Convener: Priscilla A. Ord; Trade Names – Convener: Ernest L. Abel
2:00 – 3:00 PM Keynote Address
Chair: Kemp Williams (IBM Global Name Recognition)
Sheila M. Embleton (York University): Names in India
3:15 – 3:45 PM Name of the Year Discussion and Balloting
Moderator: Cleveland Kent Evans (Bellevue University)
Literary Onomastics I
Chair: Susan J. Behrens (Marymount Manhattan College)
3:45 Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University): The good, the sound, and the bad: T. S. Eliot’s advice on naming daughters
4:15 Susan J. Behrens (Marymount Manhattan College) Onomastics and contemporary fiction: A new approach for the college English classroom
5:30 – 6:30 Salon I, II, III: Words of the Year Vote, with American Dialect Society
7:00 – ANS Banquet – Mother’s Bistro & Bar
Saturday, January 7
Literary Onomastics II
Chair: Brad Wilcox (Brigham Young University)
8:00 Herbert Barry III (University of Pittsburgh): More Males than Females Created by Six Famous Novelists
8:30 Tom Henthorne (Pace University), Jonathan Silverman (University of Massachusetts Lowell): Overnaming and the crisis of representation from Thomas Pynchon to Lady Gaga
9:00 Dennis Noson (BRC Acoustics, Seattle): On Thoreau’s mnemonic use of place names
9:30 Brad Wilcox (Brigham Young University), Bruce L. Brown (Brigham Young University): Identifying authors by the phonoprints in their invented names: An exploratory study
Personal Names
Chair: Carol Lombard (University of the Free State)
10:15 MaryAnn Parada (University of Illinois at Chicago): Femininity perceptions of (non)-ethnic given names: Points of convergence and divergence between Hispanic- and European-American adult females
11:15 Carol Lombard (University of the Free State): Identity lost and found: the intermixing of western and traditional Niitsitapi personal names and naming practices
11:45 AM – 12:30 PM Annual Business Meeting and Presentation of Awards
12:30 – 1:45 (Locations TBA) Interest Group Lunches
Personal Names – Convener: Saundra K. Wright
Geographical Names – Convener: Dwan L. Shipley
Naming Potpourri II
Chair: Alison Burns (University of Glasgow)
2:00 Alison Burns (University of Glasgow): A socio-onomastic study of field-names in Aberdeenshire, Scotland; Recipient of 2012 ANS Emerging Scholar Award
2:30 Karen A. Duchaj (Northeastern Illinois University), Jeanine Ntihirageza (Northeastern Illinois University): Name position in interview greetings: The case of news/political commentary programs
3:00 Cleveland Kent Evans (Bellevue University): Giving onomastics away: What I’ve learned writing a newspaper column on names
4:00 – 5:00 PM Executive Committee Wrap-up Meeting