MLA 2009
Philadelphia, PA
The Poetry of Names: Onomastic Investigations into the Work of Gertrude Stein
Monday, 28 December, 1:45–3:00 p.m., 302, Philadelphia Marriott
Program arranged by the American Name Society
Presiding: Rebecca Cantor, Claremont Graduate Univ.
- “The Pedagogy of Names,” Eric Charles LeMay, Columbia Univ.
- “The Name as Stigma: ‘Jewish’ Names in Thomas Mann,” Yahya Elsaghe, Univ. of Bern
- “John, Joseph, Mary, Ruth: Early American Religion, Superstition, and Naming Practices,” Rebecca Cantor
Names in Literature
Wednesday, 30 December, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., 302, Philadelphia Marriott
Program arranged by the American Name Society
Presiding: Andrea Powell Wolfe, Ball State Univ.
- “Naming Tess of the D’Urbervilles,” Susan Cook, Univ. of South Florida, Tampa
- “Referential Plentitude and Place Names in Thomas Hardy’s Wessex,” Tracy Miller, New York Univ.
- “‘Naming and Claiming’ and Rights to the Gaze in Sherley Anne William’sDessa Rose,” Andrea Powell Wolfe