Recently, a mother traveling alone with her disabled daughter on a Southwest Airlines flight encountered a blatant case of name discrimination at the hands of a Southwest employee at the ticket counter. Upon discovering the daughter’s name, “Abcde” (pronounced ‘Ab-si-dee’), the ticket agent not only openly ridiculed the name within earshot of the family by proclaiming that “some parents should be slapped!”. The ticket agent also continued her ridicule by posting a photo of the underage traveller with her name and other personal data on Facebook. In point of fact, the name “Abcde” is attested by the Social Security Administration as having been a female first name in the USA since the early 1990’s. It has been estimated that some 400 women or girls have this first name in the US. In response to this gross breach of passenger data-security and shameful example of name shaming, Southwest Airlines announced that appropriate educational actions were taken.