The International Symposium “Explorations in the Romanian and European Biblical Traditions” (IXth edition), organized by the Monumenta linguae Dacoromanorum Biblical and Philological Studies Center of Alexandru Ioan University, together with the Biblical Philology and Hermeneutics Association in Romania, the A. Philippide Institute of Romanian Philology, and the Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bukovina, will take place in Iaşi from May 9 to 11, 2019
The Symposium aims to encourage multi- and interdisciplinary debates on the issues raised by the publication, translation, interpretation, dissemination and reception of sacred texts into Romanian and other modern languages. The conference will include both plenary lectures and separate sessions.
The official languages of the Symposium will be Romanian, English, and French. The aim of our Symposium is to encourage multi- and interdisciplinary debates on the complex issues raised by the publication, translation, interpretation, dissemination and reception of the sacred texts into Romanian and other modern languages. The deadline for submission is February 15, 2019.
You can download a PDF of the call for papers in English here.
Selected papers will be published in a collective volume by the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Iaşi.