There might be websites that are cuter, but probably not many. At, visitors can catch the latest news (plus adorable photos) of baby animals born in the zoos and aquariums around the world. The site also provides details about special contests (past and present) run by zoo officials looking for new names for their bundles of joy. For example, visitors to the site can read all about the naming of the Asiatic Lion cub triplets, Kali, Sita, and Sonika in Great Britain’s Cotswold Wildlife Park. Some of the most recent fur babies who are looking for a name include a baby Bonobo born in the Jacksonville Zoo (USA), a wildcat kitten born in Chester Zoo (Scotland), and a female European lynx kitten born in Zoo Wroclaw (Poland).
About Names
Test your knowledge of Marvel character names
If you are into science fiction and fantasy, chances are you have already heard of Blade, Captain America, Daredevil, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, the Green Goblin, and the Silver Surfer. But how about the names Squirrel Girl, X-23, Cable, Kitty Pryde, Gambit, and Emma Frost? Test your knowledge of Marvel character names!
Cognitive Toponymy Project
The Royal Society of Edinburgh has initiated an innovative scientific project to investigate how place names are used to help people conceptualize space in Western Europe. The collaborative project involves three of the world’s universities: Glasgow, Copenhagen, and St. Andrews. Read more about the Cognitive Toponymy Project.
6 Disproportionately Common Names By Profession
Are names indicative of our professions? Verdant Labs put together a chart of the disproportionately common names in each of a wide variety of professions.
What do you call the corner store?
Atlas Obscura looks at the many names we call the “convenience store.”
I’m Baby Jesus and she’s my Fluffy
Oliver Black writes about little terms of endearment that become our names.
Disney Character Name Analysis
For all those Disney-aficionados who were wondering “what DO all those character names mean?” you can following the link to find some of the answers.
About Names: ‘Madonna’ as a name is never in vogue
Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. This recent column explores Madonna.… Read More
48 Names for Things You Didn’t Know Had Names
Two Poets Unapologetically Reclaim Their Names: “Say It Right, Or Don’t Say It At All”
Poets Yesika Salgado and Aman Batra present a powerful poem as a duo, calling for respect for people of color. Their poem is centered around their names. Watch the video.