About Icelandic Names

848912720_f1aeeaba68_mThe European Soccer Cup may be over for Iceland, but Europe’s fascination with the tiny island nation with the giant volcanoes is just getting started. In particular, the Europeans have become obsessed with Icelandic naming patterns. To feed this onomastic frenzy, the past few months have seen an unprecedented proliferation of online sites designed to help would-be Vikings generate their very own Icelandic name. Along with these fun e-sites, traditional websites devoted to the history and meaning of Icelandic names have also witnessed a huge increase in visitors. Want to see what all the fun is about? We have compiled a list of e-sources for you:

About the Onomastic Journal Voprosy Onomastiki

The onomastic journal, Voprosy Onomastiki, recently announced the release of its latest volume for 2016. A publication of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this peer-reviewed onomastic journal features contributions dealing with any aspect of onomastics and specializes in research exploring names and naming in the Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Romance, Germanic, Celtic and Turkic languages.… Read More