About the Onomastic Journal Voprosy Onomastiki

The onomastic journal, Voprosy Onomastiki, recently announced the release of its latest volume for 2016. A publication of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this peer-reviewed onomastic journal features contributions dealing with any aspect of onomastics and specializes in research exploring names and naming in the Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Romance, Germanic, Celtic and Turkic languages.… Read More

About Naming Traditions

generations-462134_960_720Many families have naming traditions. The pressure to give your child your own name can be freeing or stifling. In this blog post, Joanna Goddard of cupofjo.com talks to her friend Mary Keith about this tradition.

Announcing the LEME Database for Lexicons of Early Modern English

12267705494_674668b0e1_mLEME, of the Lexicons of Early Modern English, is a new data-base for researchers interested in historical linguistics. The data-base currently contains more than 750,000 word entries from the years 1480 to 1755. The primary sources used for the digitized compilation include lexicons from the Tudor, Stuart, Caroline, Commonwealth, and Restoration Periods. Users of the LEME can search for entries by date, title, author, subject, and genre.