One of the interesting questions that new same-sex parents often face is what names their children should use to distinguish between them. In a family with two differently gendered parents, this issue is often fairly straight-forward (e.g. Mom and Dad; Ma and Pa). But in families with two moms or two dads, creativity is often called for. In a great video by Brandy and Susan of The Next Family, the two moms discuss how they dealt with finding names within their own family.
About Names
About Names: Hagiotoponyms
Ever heard of a hagiotoponym? It comes from the Greek hagios (holy), topos (place), and onoma (name). Learn more with the Database of Scottish Hagiotoponyms, a paper on Italian hagiotoponyms, or a paper on Catalonian hagiotoponyms.… Read More
The vaudeville, impact and substance of political name-calling
Learn more about the theater of political name calling, particularly in Australia. This phenomenon isn’t only happening in the United States.… Read More
Cattle Brand Names at the Canadian Society for the Study of Names
At the recent meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names / Société canadienne d’onomastique in Calgary, Alberta, Dr. Carol Lombard delivered the keynote address on her doctoral research about cattle brands in Montana.
About Names: What’s so great about Alexander?
Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. In honor of the this year’s Tony Award nominations, we are revisiting the name Alexander.… Read More
About Names: Irish nickname ‘Liam’ on international rise
Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. This week’s column explores Liam.… Read More
My Name, My Identity
“Did you know that mispronouncing a student’s name negates the identity of the student? This can lead to anxiety and resentment which, in turn, can hinder academic progress.”
My Name, My Identity helps build positive school culture and promotes respect of students and families.
Ubiquitous nicknames defy officialdom and good taste in Philippines
The Philippines is a nation of nicknames, using someone’s full name sounds ludicrously formal.
The Australian Broadcasting Commission’s South-East Asia correspondent Adam Harvey reports from Manila how he got into trouble for taking a photograph of the US Embassy. He is confronted by the security guard who demanded to see his ID, and was asked his height, weight, and nickname.
Dear Coquette on Baby Names
The advice blog Dear Coquette recently answered this question on cultural appropriation of baby names.… Read More
Why do nicknames like ‘Shorty’ seem to be going extinct?
The American Name Society’s Dr. Cleveland Evans is quoted in this Chicago Tribune article investigating today’s nicknames (or lack thereof) and how they differ from those of past generations.