Learn more about name fads and what influences onomastics trends with these graphs originally published on Wait But Why.
About Names
The Politics of Referring to Places in Yiddish
Publications frequently navigate complicated politics when choosing how to refer to a place. Geography, history, language, and transliteration all factor in the onomastic reference. In geveb hosts a scholarly discussion particularly about Yiddish toponyms and their usage in the publication.
Marriage and Onomastics
This author grapples with changing her name upon marriage. It’s a decision that many Americans can relate to.
Names that Break Databases
Most of us take for granted that we can enter our names into any database or online form. Not everyone has this luxury. Learn what types of names point out the bugs in our systems and the frustrations for the people behind these names.
Correctly Pronounce Popular Brand Names
Brand names can be tricky to pronounce. See this infographic by Oomph to check your pronunciation of 30 commonly referenced brand names.
About Names: ‘Fred’ has had a long journey, from royalty to friendly TV faces
Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. This week’s column explores Fred.… Read More
Our First Mission Isn’t Finished
In the second chapter of Genesis, God brings all the animals to Adam so he can give them names. Christianity Today continues the story, highlighting the tradition of naming species after famous people or fictional characters—a practice that has increased in recent years.
Psychological Effect of Naming Winter Storms
Nick Epley at the University of Chicago has been studying the effects of naming inanimate things like storms. He finds that doing so gives them human-like qualities —among them, intentionality.
Brands have different names in different countries
This graphic news story demonstrates how some worldwide brands have different names in different places.
About Names: Some of Shakespeare’s names have caught on
Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. This week’s column explores the names of Shakespeare’s characters.