Call for Papers: The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature, Ahwaz, Iran, February 1-2 2020

The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature is organized by different universities and research centers. Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation in English, Arabic or Persian. The conference will be an opportunity for academics, university lecturers and researcher to share their latest research findings and to keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field. Researchers and scholars from around the world are invited to submit their papers to be evaluated for inclusion in the conference program. The abstracts will be evaluated by International Scientific Committee Members based on their originality, novelty, rigor and relevance to the conference theme. The accepted papers will be scheduled for oral or poster presentations. The selective full papers of the conference will be published as the book of conference and also will be indexed in CIVILICA (however, the book of abstracts will be published too).

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30th November 2019.

Click here for registration and submission information.

Call for proposals: Changing Geographical Names as a Challenge for Research and Gazetteer Management, September 9-11 2019, Marburg, Germany

In 2019, researchers from the Herder Institute, the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig and the Justus Liebig University Giessen will start work on a project exploring the content and metadata structure of existing gazetteers. The project team will bring together historians, geographers and computer scientists. At the first workshop of their project, they will address the questions like : What do the various disciplines expect of gazetteers? How will research institutes further develop existing gazetteers? etc.

The workshop will take place on 9-11 September 2019 in Marburg, Germany. Please submit a short proposal highlighting the main aspects of your contribution. Please send your proposal, no later than 13th May 2019, to

Call for papers: 5th Czech Onomastic Conference, Ostrava, Czechia, April 20-22 2020

The Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague) and University of Ostrava invite you to take part in the 5th Czech Onomastic Conference (the ACTA 60 Onomastic Conference and the 3rd Ostrava Onomastic Meeting Event), which will be held in Ostrava, Czech Republic, April 20-22, 2020.

The conference is organized to the 60th anniversary of the Czech onomastic journal appearing as Acta onomastica since 1995. The topics are: approaches to proper names (etymological, functional, communicative and pragmatic, quantitative, etc.); proper names in the interdisciplinary focus; codification and standardization of proper names; proper names in the centre of polemics and discussion. The deadline for submission of abstracts is November 15, 2019. If you need further information, please contact (Lenka Krahulcová). Please include your surname and the abbreviation ACTA60 in the subject line of your e-mail.

Call for papers: Onyms in Space and Space in Onyms“, Lithuania, November 7-9 2019

The Research Center of Baltic Languages and Proper Names invite you to participate in The 4th International Scientific Aleksandras Vanagas’ Conference, which will take place on 7–9 November 2019 in Vilnius.

Proposed areas for reports

  • Proper names as a research object of the Lithuanian language, Baltistics and Indo-European studies
  • Onyms under the historical framework
  • The development, composition and origins of proper names
  • The current functions and usage of proper names
  • Onyms in digital space
  • Cognition space in onymy
  • The expression of historical, cultural and natural spaces in onyms
  • Theoretical Onomastics
  • Onyms under the framework of language contacts

Submission deadline for registration forms – 30 April 2019

Submission deadline for abstracts – 3 June 2019

Call for Papers: They, Hirself, Em, and You: Nonbinary pronouns in research and practice, Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, June 11-13 2019

They, Hirself, Xem, and You (THEY) is a three-day conference bringing together linguists and other researchers and practitioners working on topics relating to nonbinary pronouns in English. The conference will be held at Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, June 11-13 2019. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers working on topics relating to nonbinary gender (usage, users, and user experiences) in language, particularly in pronouns, in order to both raise the profile of this research within linguistics and other disciplines, and to build resources that can be used by educators, policy makers, community advocates, and researchers in other fields. Admission to the conference will be free.

It will include two interleaved tracks of talks and presentations: one featuring research from linguistics (L-track), and one featuring scholars and practitioners from other fields (O-track). There will also be a series of four invited keynote talks, open to the public, and one of the conference outputs will be a resource compiling information and resources on nonbinary pronouns, for general use. Please see the conference website for more information.

L-track proposals are due March 31, 2019.

O-track proposals are due April 30, 2019.

A downloadable Call for Papers can be found here.


Call for Papers: 2019 Geographic Names Conference of COGNA, Baton Rouge, LA, August 5-9 2019

The 2019 Geographic Names Conference of COGNA (Council of Geographic Names Authorities in the United States) will take place August 5-9, 2019, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They are seeking presentation content, geographic names in nature, including regional topics, toponymic and cartographic themes encouraged. Presentations are for individual presentations or panel discussions.

This conference is the only conference that brings together the State Geographic Names Authorities (SNAs) and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) and provides participants a unique opportunity to share information and knowledge about the geographic naming process and research. There is no better way to network and benefit from the expertise of members and staff of the BGN, SNAs, Tribal authorities, other State and Federal mapping agencies, and members of the geospatial and academic communities.

The conferences are open to the public for registration fees.  Registration fees included all conference materials, welcome & closing receptions, and admission to all daytime conference sessions.  Conferences conclude with an optional an educational-toponymic field workshop.

You can download the call for papers here. The deadline for abstracts is April 30, 2019.

Additional information on the conference is available at their website.

Call for papers: Toponymic Session of 49th Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poland, September 16-18, 2019


In this thematic session, linguists, geographers, sociologists, ethnographers and representatives from related disciplines are invited to contribute presentations revolving around the following questions:

(1) What are the new trends in place / street (re-)naming practices? Who are the agents behind these (re-)namings? How do these renamings influence the “ideological robe of the city” ?
(2) How are these changes reported, legitimized and critiqued in the media?
(3) How can various disciplines researching place/street (re-)namings contribute to our understanding of these semiotic changes?

Deadline for abstract submission is March 22, 2019. Abstracts should be submitted via the Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) Easy Chair system.

Call for Papers for the Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Seattle, WA, January 9-12, 2020

ANS Panel at the Modern Language Association Conference

January 9-12th, 2020 in Seattle, WA

The American Name Society is inviting abstract proposals for a panel with the literary theme “Semantic relations and personal names.” Names have meanings. They bear specific semantic connotations that, albeit forgotten by their users, are exploited by authors to evoke subsequent layers of interpretation. Papers of this panel will explore this practice and investigate how meanings of names are employed and to what ends, with a focus either on specific authors or with a broader scope. Examples of themes that can be addressed may be semantics of names in literary theory, name choices due to semantic connotations, intertextual relations based on the meaning of names, etc.

For more information about MLA 2020, check out the official website.

Proposal submission process:

  1. Abstracts proposals of up to 400 words should be sent as an email attachment (PDF format) to Dr. Andreas Gavrielatos (
  2. Proposals should include “MLA proposal” in the subject line of the email.
  3. All submissions must include an abstract title, the full name(s) of the author(s), the author affiliation, and email address in the body of the email and NOT with the abstract.
  4. DEADLINE: Proposals must be received by 5pm GMT on 31 March 2019. Authors will be notified about results of the blind review on or by 03 April 2019.
  5. Contributors selected for the thematic panel must be members of both MLA and ANS in order to present their papers.
  6. For further information, please contact Dr A. Gavrielatos (

More information about ANS and MLA conferences in available on the Conferences page of this website.

Call for papers: Symposium “Place Names and Migration”, Vienna, Austria, November 6-8, 2019

The Austrian Board on Geographical Names is celebrating the 50 year anniversary and invites to the GeoNames19 Symposium “Place Names and Migration” in Vienna, 6-8 November 2019.

Migration is a global and all-time phenomenon. Related to place names, this prompts a number of delicate questions: How do migrants deal with place names? Do they accept the place names they find? Do they adapt them to their own language by translation, morphological or phonetic adaptation? Do they create new names of their own for already named places? And how do long-term residents of the place react to these attitudes?

Submit the title of your paper until the 31st March 2019.

Call for papers: 29th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference, Algaida, Spain, October 4, 2019

The 29th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference will take place on 4th October 2019 at the Casal Pere Capellà (Algaida, at the University of the Balearic Islands). The call for abstracts will remain open until 31st May 2019.

The thematic areas are:
a) Toponymy. Geographical aspects
b) Toponymy. Historical aspects
c) Toponymy. Normative aspects
d) Anthroponymy. Philological and historical aspects

If you would like to present a paper, we would appreciate it if you would send the title of the paper and abstract (300 words max.). Registration for attending the conference is also now open. Registration is free. We will be issuing attendance certificates.