Call for Papers: 5th International Postgraduate Conference on Modern Foreign Languages, Linguistics & Literature, Lancashire, UK, June 1, 2018

The University of Central Lancashire will host the 5th International Postgraduate Conference on Modern Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Literature on Friday 1st June 2018. Papers may be submitted in three strands: research (reporting on data arising from field testing), conceptual (theoretical studies) or poster presentations. The deadline is 1st May 2018. More information, and the call for papers, can be found here. The conference is free for participants and presenters, and light refreshments will be provided.

Call for Papers: LELT (Linguistics, Education, Literature and Translation),

The Doctoral Student Conference (DSC) 2018 will hold a special track on Linguistics, Education, Literature and Translation, from the 9th to the 11th of May 2018 at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Thessaloniki, Greece. They are looking for the latest research conducted by PhD students and young researchers on issues related to Linguistics, Language Teaching and Translation.The specific purpose of the conference is to give new researchers an opportunity to discuss their projects, receive detailed feedback from experts in the field, and participate in workshops. More information, and the call for papers, can be found at the website. The deadline for submissions is April 6, 2018.

Call for Papers: New Words and Linguistic Purism, Innsbruck, Austria, Oct 25-26 2018

The Department of Translation Studies, University of Innsbruck is seeking submissions for a conference titled “New Words and Linguistic Purism”, to be held in Innsbruck Austria, October 25-26 2018. New words are a frequent phenomenon. For linguistic purists they constitute a threat to the standard language. Of the three major sources of names for new concepts, borrowings are generally considered the strongest offense. Word formation is more acceptable, because it uses the proper devices of a language. The extension of the meaning of existing words is often not noticed as a change to the language. Different languages each have their own tradition as to which mechanisms are more or less acceptable in which circumstances. In translation, the absence of a word in the target language often requires the translator to choose a strategy along one of these lines, which can affect the acceptance of the target text. The call for papers can be found a the website. The deadline for abstracts is May 15, 2018.

Call for Contributors: A pre-handbook on literary onomastics

A book project entitled “A pre-handbook on literary onomastics” is looking for contributors. The book is a project of Martyna Katarzyna Gibka, a literary onomastician. The purpose of the book to present theories, tools, their application, and ideas for theoretical development of this field as well as remarks of people who contributed to literary onomastic and literary translation onomastics in a practical way. Researchers who are interested in potentially contributing to this work are asked to complete an official application form, which can be found at Gibka’s website.

Contributors include:

Richard Coates (England)
Karina van Dalen-Oskam (the Netherlands)
Martyna Katarzyna Gibka (Poland)
Žaneta Dvořáková (Czech Republic)
Gilles Quentel (Brittany)

Call for Papers: MiOKO XXI, International and Nationwide Conference on Onomastics, Lublin, Poland, Oct 4-62018

The 21st International and Nationwide Conference on Onomastics (MiOKO) will be held at Maria Curia-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, from the 4th to the 6th of October 2018. This year’s conference will focus on terminology applied to proper names and the need for establishing theoretical and terminological agreement (metaonomastic reflection) as well as mechanisms involved in forming and introducing onyms to a language, with an emphasis on the specific ways they have functioned in the Polish language (and other languages). The deadline for abstract submission is April 15, 2018. More detailed information about the conference can be found here at the website (in Polish).

Call for Papers: Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics, BAAL2018, York, UK, Sept. 6-9 2018

The 51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL2018) will be held from the 6th to the 9th of September 2018 in York, UK at St. John University. The deadline for abstract submissions is the 31st of March 2018. The theme of this year’s conference is “Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics.”

The overall purpose of the 2018 conference is to provide a scientific forum for exploring new ways of pursuing our research and improving our practice. Our global community is facing unsettling times, and language use is at the heart of many of the challenges we face. Such challenges include: new and renewed areas of social inequality; political, social and economic instabilities; language learning and teaching-related concerns; and legislative changes which affect the rights of certain groups. The 2018 meeting will be a forum for bold thinking to address these challenges.

The call for papers can be found at the BAAL website.

Call for Papers: VESNA Symposium, Linz, Austria, October 4-6 2018

The Society for Study of Language and Names in Austria [Verein zur Erforschung von Sprache und Name in Österreich (VESNA)] will be holding a conference in German entitled “Namenforschung im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit” (“Name research in the field of tension between science and the public”) from the 4th to the 6th of October 2018 in Linz, Austria. The relationship between science and the public, which is important for both sides but not always tension-free, should form the thematic framework of this conference. Aspects of the – more or less successful – transfer of knowledge between name research and the interested public can be addressed as well as the subject-related exchange between neighboring disciplines (linguistics, history, geography, ethnology, archeology, numismatics, heraldry, etc.).

Researchers interested in giving 30 minute (with 10 minute discussion sessions) scientific presentations are requested to email abstracts by March 31, 2018 to the following address:

More information can be found at the ICOS website, and the call for papers, in German, can be downloaded here.

Call for Papers: 2019 ANS Conference Special Panel on Literary Names

computer-564136_960_720The ANS is inviting abstract submissions for a panel on Literary Names for the 2019 annual conference to be held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America. The purpose of the panel is to highlight research in, and study of, names in works of fiction.

All professional names enthusiasts are invited to submit an abstract for a 20-minute presentation. Abstract proposals should answer one or more of the following questions:

  1. How do the texts under analysis make use of onomastics to establish and convey character and/or plot?
  2. How does linguistic analysis bear on the reading of these texts?
  3. How is the field of onomastics enhanced by your research?

To submit a proposal, simply send a 250-word abstract proposal and a 100- word professional biography to Susan Behrens [sbehrens@mmm.eduby the 15th of July 2018. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2019 Panel” in the subject line of your email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before September 30, 2018. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS and need to register with both the ANS and the Linguistic Society of America. Please feel free to contact Susan Behrens should you have any questions or concerns.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Call for Papers for the Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference, Chicago, IL, January 3-6, 2019

ANS Panel at the Modern Language Association Conference

January 3-6th, 2019 in Chicago, IL

The American Name Society is inviting abstract proposals for a panel with the literary theme “Borrowed Names and interactions in Literature.” Literary interactions between authors have always been of great interest in Literary Studies and Literary Theory. Influences, allusions, and intertexts can significantly affect the onomastic choices of an author and result in name borrowings. The papers of this panel will focus either on examples of these practices, thus contributing to the understanding of specific naming choices, or on the role of literary onomastics in theories of intertextuality, allusion, etc.

For more information about MLA 2019, check out the official website.

Proposal submission process:

  1. Abstracts proposals of up to 400 words should be sent as an email attachment (PDF format) to Dr Andreas Gavrielatos (
  2. Proposals should include “MLA proposal” in the subject line of the email.
  3. All submissions must include an abstract title, the full name(s) of the author(s), the author affiliation, and email address in the body of the email and NOT with the abstract.
  4. DEADLINE: Proposals must be received by 5pm GMT on 31 March 2018. Authors will be notified about results of the blind review on or by 30 March 2018.
  5. Contributors selected for the thematic panel must be members of both MLA and ANS in order to present their papers.
  6. For further information, please contact Dr A. Gavrielatos (

More information about ANS and MLA conferences in available on the Conferences page of this website.

Call for Papers: Lexicography in the Digital World, ASIALEX2018, Krabi, Thailand, June 8-10 2018

The theme of this year’s ASIALEX2018 is ”Lexicography in the Digital World”. The event will be held from the 8th to the 10th of June 2018 in Krabi, Thailand. Lexicography is much more than simply compiling a dictionary. The field brings together computational linguists, translators, educators, software developers, technical companies, and publishers whose knowledge and experience enrich our understanding of the intricate relationship between dictionary and digitalization. The 12th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography aims to expand the horizons and encourage discussion and cooperation among the many specialists who take different approaches to this field of studies. Researchers working within the area of lexicography are encouraged to send in their abstracts (max. 250-300 words) by the 1st of April 2018. Details on abstract submission can be found at the website.

This year’s guest speakers include:

  • Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera (University of Valladolid, Spain)
  • John Simpson (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
  •  Pam Peters (Macquarie University, Australia)
  • Virach Sornlertlamvanich (Thammasat University, Thailand)