Call for Papers: Language, place and periphery, Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan 18-19 2018

The University of Copenhagen will be holding a conference on Language, Place, and Periphery from the 18th to the 19th of January 2018. Interested presenters are invited to send in abstract proposals on one or more of the following topics: language ideology; dialect and migration; belonging and language, etc. More details about this event can be found at the conference website.

Abstract submission and registration opens 1st of September 2017. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st of October 2017. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length. Notification of acceptance: 15th of October 2017.

Call for Papers: 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers 2018, Warsaw, Poland, July 15-20 2018

A call for paper proposals and sessions has been issued for the 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG). The Conference is being sponsored by the University of Warsaw, the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, and the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Conference will be held at the University of Warsaw from the 15th to the 20th of July 2018. The deadline for proposal submissions is the 14th of October 2017. Information on submissions and registration can be found here. 

Papers and posters are welcome on any aspect of historical geography, including empirical, theoretical and historiographical aspects of the field and related disciplines, including the history of cartography, history of science and environmental history.

Call for Papers: Faulkner and Slavery, Oxford, Mississippi, July 22-26 2018

From the 22nd to the 26th of July 2018, a conference on “Faulkner and Slavery” will be held at the Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha 2018 conference. Interested presenters are encouraged to send in abstract proposals for conference papers. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2018. Selected presentations will be included in an edited volume to be published by the University Press of Mississippi. All abstracts, inquiries, manuscripts, and proposals should be sent to Jay Watson, Department of English, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848. E-mail: jwatson AT Decisions for all submissions will be made by March 15, 2018.

The call for papers can be found here.

Call for Papers: Hamsa: The Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies

The editors of Hamsa: The Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies are currently accepting proposals for its 5th volume on Muslims and Jews in Latin America. Submissions addressing the names and naming within this subject area are welcome. The main aim of the Hamsa Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies is to create a virtual multi-disciplinary space in which all perspectives of the History, Language and Literature of Jews and Muslims can converge, as well as themes on Judaism and Islam in general. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2018. More details about the journal and the call are available here.

Call for Papers: /grafematik/ 2018, Brest, France, June 14-16 2018

“Graphemics in the 21st Century: From Graphemes to Knowledge” is the official theme of an international interdisciplinary conference to be held in Brest, France from the 14th to the 16th of June, 2018. The specific aim of the conference is to collectively explore the growing importance of Unicode with regard to the future of reading and writing. Among the many topics invited for possible presentation include, the cross-disciplinary historical onomastic epistemology of graphemics. The deadline for submission is November 6, 2017.  The conference will be held at IMT Atlantique (formerly Télécom Bretagne). Abstract submission details can be found here.

Call for Papers: Categories and Units in Language and Linguistics (CULL), Wałbrzych, Poland, April 9-10 2018

From the 9th to the 10th of April 2018, a conference entitled “Categories and Units in Language and Linguistics” will be held in Wałbrzych, Poland, at the Angelus Silesius University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of the conference is to bring together scholars of varied disciplines to explore categories and units used in language study, language pedagogy, psychology of language and psychology from a range of perspectives. More specifically, this interdisciplinary conference will address how categories and units influence and/or possibly constrain theory and model-building. The deadline for scientific abstracts is December 20, 2017. The primary language of the conference is English, but presentations in Polish are also welcome. More details about this special event can be found at the website.

Call for Papers: “Rethinking Halal: Genealogy, Current Trends, and New Interpretations”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, April 24-25 2018

Since the 1980’s, the name “halal” has been increasing used in business and product naming. From halal food-processing to halal fashion, the breadth of goods and services that feature this name has grown dramatically. From the 24th to the 25 of April 2018, a unique conference exploring the modern uses of “halal” labelling will be explored at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Entitled “Rethinking Halal: Genealogy, Current Trends, and New Interpretations”, the conference is currently accepting abstracts for scientific presentations. The call for papers can be found here. Interested researchers are asked to send prospective abstracts (max. 1,000 words) to the following address: halal.conference.ucl.2018 AT The deadline is Monday, 8 January 2018.

Call for Papers: Association for Low German Linguistic Research, Kiel, Germany, May 21-24

From the 21st to the 24th of May 2018, an onomastic conference on the German language will be held in Kiel. The official call for papers can be found here. The conference is being sponsored by the Verein für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. Scientific presentations on names and naming in Low German are currently being solicited. The focus will be on “Namenkunde”.  The deadline for submission is October 31, 2017. Researchers interested in holding 45-minute presentations are encouraged to send an abstract (max. 200 words) to the following address: elmentaler AT

Call for Papers: 45th Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference, 45th Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference, June 28-30 2018

The 45th Annual Children’s Literature Association Conference will be held from the 28th to the 30th of June 2018 at the Sheraton Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The exact theme of the conference is “Refreshing Waters: Eternal Springs, Winding Rivers, and Other Literary Oasis.” As a part of the conference, a special panel focused on Germany is planned for the conference. Interested researchers are asked to submit abstracts (max. 500 words) with professional bios (max. 250 words) dealing with any aspect of German children’s literature. Abstracts should be sent to the International Committee, Children’s Literature Association, at vanessa.joosen AT with the subject line “International Committee Paper Submission.” The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2017.