From the 10th to the 13th of May 2018, language researchers are invited to an innovative forum called “Words, Life, and Linguistics: Tracing Language Change with Today’s Technology”. The event will be will be held in Kalamazoo, Michigan as a part of the 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies and is hosted by the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University. The purpose of the session is to address the use of digital technology to trace lexical, phonological, morphological, semantics, pragmatics, and syntactic developments to date manuscripts. More information about the session as well as the 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies can be found here.
Lecture: 50 years of the English Place-Name Society, University of Nottingham, UK, Dec. 1 2017
The English Place-Name Society has announced that this year’s Cameron Lecture will take place from 18.00–20.00 on 1 December 2017 in the Clive Granger building at the University of Nottingham.
This very special lecture celebrates 50 years of the English Place-Name Society in Nottingham, and will feature an introduction to the late Prof. Kenneth Cameron and his work by Prof. John Insley from the University of Heidelberg, followed by a lecture entitled “Highways and byways to the English Place-Name Society through more than fifty years”, delivered by Prof. Gillian Fellows-Jensen from the Department of Nordic Research at the University of Copenhagen. There will also be a display of posters relating to ongoing research by the English Place-Name Society and at the Institute for Name-Studies, the Society’s home in Nottingham.
To attend, fill out the registration form on the website.
Domain Name Conference: NamesCon, Las Vegas, January 28-31 2018
NamesCon, the world’s largest yearly domain-industry conference, will be holding its 2018 conference in Las Vegas from the 28th to the 31st of January. The purpose of the four-day conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for domain-name professionals to learn about the latest developments in the field. Everyone from attorneys, brand managers, registrars, digital marketers, individual end-users, and web-hosting companies will be represented. Registration for this event has already begun!
Invitation to Apply for the ANS Emerging Scholar Award 2018
The Emerging Scholar award recognizes the outstanding scholarship of a names researcher in the early stages of their academic or professional career. To be eligible for this award, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be either an untenured academic or a professional in an entry-level position;
- Have had their single authored abstract accepted for presentation at the ANS annual conference; and
- Be a member of the ANS.
To be considered for this award, applicants must submit the full text of their paper by midnight (E.S.T.) the 14th of November 2017 to both ANS President Dr. I. M. Nick ( and this year’s ESA Chair, Dr. Jan Tent ( Submissions must be sent as an email attachment in either a .doc or .docx format. For ease of processing, please be sure to include the keyword “ESA2018” in the subject line of your email.
The information is also available here as a PDF: ESA 2018 Application Invitation
The Emerging Scholar Award Submission Guidelines PDF can be downloaded.
Papers previously published are not eligible for consideration. However, papers based on unpublished theses or dissertations are eligible. The Emerging Scholar Award Selection Committee will judge all submissions for their methodological soundness, innovation, and potential contribution to the field of onomastic research. The awardee will not only receive a cash prize, but will also be mentored by a senior onomastics scholar who will assist the awardee in preparing their paper for submission and possible publication in the ANS journal, NAMES: A Journal of Onomastics. Past recipients of the Emerging Scholar award are eligible to re-apply for this award for an entirely new piece of scholarship which examines a different area of onomastic research. However, preference may be given to applicants who have not yet received the award. In addition, the Selection Committee reserves the right to refrain from giving this award in those years in which no submission is deemed to have met the above-mentioned requirements.
Call for Papers: Language, place and periphery, Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan 18-19 2018
The University of Copenhagen will be holding a conference on Language, Place, and Periphery from the 18th to the 19th of January 2018. Interested presenters are invited to send in abstract proposals on one or more of the following topics: language ideology; dialect and migration; belonging and language, etc. More details about this event can be found at the conference website.
Abstract submission and registration opens 1st of September 2017. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st of October 2017. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length. Notification of acceptance: 15th of October 2017.
Call for Papers: 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers 2018, Warsaw, Poland, July 15-20 2018
A call for paper proposals and sessions has been issued for the 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG). The Conference is being sponsored by the University of Warsaw, the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, and the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Conference will be held at the University of Warsaw from the 15th to the 20th of July 2018. The deadline for proposal submissions is the 14th of October 2017. Information on submissions and registration can be found here.
Papers and posters are welcome on any aspect of historical geography, including empirical, theoretical and historiographical aspects of the field and related disciplines, including the history of cartography, history of science and environmental history.
AGM: “Old English place-names and the Communication of Traditional Ecological Knowledge”, London, UK, Sept. 19 2017
On Tuesday, the 19th of September 2017, the English Place-Name Society will hold their AGM at the offices of the British Academy. Dr. Richard Jones from the Centre for English Local History will give a formal presentation, “Old English place-names and the Communication of Traditional Ecological Knowledge” before the meeting. This event is open to all. RSVP before 12 September 2017 to reserve your place. More on this event can be found at the website.
Call for Papers: Faulkner and Slavery, Oxford, Mississippi, July 22-26 2018
From the 22nd to the 26th of July 2018, a conference on “Faulkner and Slavery” will be held at the Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha 2018 conference. Interested presenters are encouraged to send in abstract proposals for conference papers. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2018. Selected presentations will be included in an edited volume to be published by the University Press of Mississippi. All abstracts, inquiries, manuscripts, and proposals should be sent to Jay Watson, Department of English, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848. E-mail: jwatson AT Decisions for all submissions will be made by March 15, 2018.
Call for Papers: The 23rd Annual Dickens Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, July 30-Aug 1, 2018
The 23rd Annual Dickens Symposium will be held in Tübingen, Germany from July 30 to August 1, 2018. In preparation for this conference, the Dickens Society is currently soliciting papers that address Dickens and Onomastics. Interested presenters are asked to submit 300-word abstracts and 150 word biographical statements between August 7 and November 1, 2017. To submit an abstract, visit this link.
Call for Papers: /grafematik/ 2018, Brest, France, June 14-16 2018
“Graphemics in the 21st Century: From Graphemes to Knowledge” is the official theme of an international interdisciplinary conference to be held in Brest, France from the 14th to the 16th of June, 2018. The specific aim of the conference is to collectively explore the growing importance of Unicode with regard to the future of reading and writing. Among the many topics invited for possible presentation include, the cross-disciplinary historical onomastic epistemology of graphemics. The deadline for submission is November 6, 2017. The conference will be held at IMT Atlantique (formerly Télécom Bretagne). Abstract submission details can be found here.