Call for Papers: Ars Grammatica 2017, Mannheim, Germany, June 8-9 2017

From the 8th to the 9th of June 2017 in Mannheim, Germany, a special conference devoted to grammatical terminology in German will be held at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim.  Entitled “Ars Grammatica 2017”, this scientific gathering welcomes researchers from the branches of computational linguistics, theoretical linguistics, syntax, and lexicography.  The deadline for abstract submissions is the 15th of April 2017. More on this German language event can be found at the conference website.

Under the title “Grammatical terminology – content and methods”, paper should deal with the characteristics and properties of grammatical technical terms in the field, and the tension between content and methodological application:

  • From a substantive point of view, it is important to conceive and use as exact definitions as possible of specialized terminology in order to be able to express linguistic phenomena and explanations precisely. This suggests, in particular, such scientific disciplines as challenges in which varying theories of theory, cognitive interests or subjective authors’ decisions lead to a non-uniform terminological inventory, which is even contradictory in individual cases.
  • From a methodological point of view, it is necessary to develop sufficiently powerful and sustainable structures for the coding of domain-specific terminological systems. The spectrum ranges from methodically oriented specialized vocabularies, thesauri to knowledge networks and ontologies with appropriately modeled concepts and attributes.

Call for Papers: 2nd International Conference on Language and Culture: Dirty, Repulsive, Unwanted, Poznan, Poland, September 18-19 2017

An international comparative studies conference entitled “Language and Culture: Dirty, Repulsive, Unwanted” will be held from the 18th to the 19th of September in Poznan, Poland.  The conference is being conjointly sponsored by the Department of Comparative Culture Studies and the Institute of Linguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University.  The purpose of the conference is to provide researchers an opportunity to present and discuss recent insights into the nexus between language, literature, and culture studies with regards to forbidden language and the language of the forbidden, the unwanted in lexicography and other spheres of communication, as well as taboo language in general.  The deadline for submission of an abstract proposal (max. 400 words) is May 31, 2017. The call for papers (in English) is here. More on this event can be found at this website.

CSSN: Canadian Society for the Study of Names, Toronto, Canada, May 27-28 2017

3061957824_c2b77fac23_mThe Canadian Society for the Study of Names (CSSN) / Société canadienne d’onomastique (SCO) will hold its annual meeting as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 27 and 28, 2017. The theme of the 2017 congress is: “The Next 150, On Indigenous Lands”.

Have you ever thought about the names of the places where you live? Or the first names of your neighbours? Or the names of things that you eat? The conference takes place over two days. About 15 papers are normally presented, 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion. Topics concern any aspects of names and naming. Presenters are normally from the fields of Linguistics, Geography, History, Anthropology, and other areas.

The preliminary program can be found here.

ICOS2017: XXVI International Council of Onomastic Science, University of Debrecen, Hungary, August 27-Sept. 1 2017

The International Council of Onomastic Science will be holding its next congress at the University of Debrecen in Hungary from the 27th of August to the 1st of September 2017.  The theme of this year’s conference is “locality and globality of the world in names.”  Several different symposia will be featured at this year’s meeting, for example, “International onomastic cooperations and projects”; “Systematical relations between toponyms and anthroponyms”; and “Applied Onomastics in practice”. Early-bird registration for ICOS2017 has been officially opened; go here for information.

The International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) is the international organisation for all scholars who have a special interest in the study of names (place-names, personal names, and proper names of all other kinds). The aim of the Council is the advancement, representation and co-ordination of name research on an international level and in an interdisciplinary context.

Call for Papers: Toponyme – eine Standortbestimmung, Mainz, Germany, Sept. 18-19 2017

From the 18th to the 19th of September 2017, an international conference on toponymy entitled “Toponyme – eine Standortbestimmung” will be held in Mainz, Germany, at the Academy of Sciences and Literature.  Scientific abstracts are currently being accepted on any area of toponymic research.  Paper proposals are especially welcome in one of the following areas: unofficial place names; the grammar of place names; strategies for (re)naming place names; the compilation and use of large toponymic datasets; the visualization and digitalization of place name data; the relationship between place names and cartography.  The deadline for abstracts is the 30th of April 2017. More information on this event can be found here.

The focus of the conference is to open up new perspectives for toponomic research, which are to flank the necessary traditional names lexography. In particular, new subjects, questions, perspectives and methods are to be developed and interfaces to post-biodiversity are to be explored, which can lead to further research projects. The conference is therefore aimed not only at representatives of linguistic name research but also for other linguistic disciplines (eg dialectology), historical and historical auxiliary sciences, archival and bibliology, geography, archeology.

Call for Papers: CIHLIE: Coloquio Internacional sobre la Historia de los Lenguajes Iberorrománicos de Especialidad, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, October 19-20th 2017

An international conference on the history of Ibero-Romance languages will be held from the 19th to the 20th of October 2017 in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. “Coloquio Internacional sobre la Historia de los Lenguajes Iberorrománicos de Especialidad” or CIHLIE provides a scientific platform for researchers working within the areas of Discourse Analysis, Historical Linguistics, Text/Corpus Linguistics, and Lexicography. The languages of scientific interest at this conference are Aragonese; Catalan-Valencian-Balear; Galician; Leonese; Occitan; Portuguese; Spanish. The call for abstracts ends on the 30th of April 2017. More on this event, including submission requirements, can be found at the CIHILE website.

The specific objectives of the Colloquium will be:

  • Describe the dialogue as a way of transmitting knowledge between disciplines and subdisciplines, traditions and schools, scientists and lay people from a diachronic and synchronic perspective
  • To discover, describe and investigate the dialogical genres that functioned as reference texts and determine the importance of these genres for the development of specialty languages
  • Encourage diachronic research as an instrument for discovering and describing forms of oral imprinting related to the transmission of knowledge and the implantation of models and traditions of scientific exposition based on dialogue
  • To investigate the history of the reception of certain theoretical treatises, of the specialized languages, the discursive traditions and textual models linked to them both by the scientists of the same language and culture as by the scientific community of other languages ​​and cultures
  • Promote interest in specialized translation, as well as the problems that translators have encountered throughout the history of this activity and in the translation of texts of specialty of the past.
  • To inquire into the paths taken by texts, models and terms – for example through translation, adaptation, etc. – and how they were adapted or modified when discussing specialized languages ​​in other languages ​​or in other scientific fields.

Call for Papers: ALW1: 1st Workshop on Abusive Language Online, Vancouver, Canada, July 30-August 4 2017

Recent years have seen an exponential increase in the frequency and severity of abusive language used online. From the 3rd to the 4th of August 2017, ALW1: 1st Workshop on Abusive Language Online, an international scientific workshop on this linguistic phenomenon will be held in Vancouver, Canada.  The workshop will be held in as a part of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) which will be held from July 30th to August 4th, 2017.  Researchers interested in submitting an abstract proposal for possible presentation at the workshop can find out more about this important event at the website. Submission guidelines are hereThe submission deadline is Thursday, the 27th of April 2017.

Paper Topics

Long and short papers on any of the following general topics are invited:

  • Assessment of all current methods of addressing abusive language

  • The social, personal and cultural effects of abusive language online

  • Legal ramifications of measures taken against abusive language use

  • NLP models and methods for abusive language detection

  • Application of NLP tools to analyze social media content and other large data sets

  • NLP models for cross-lingual abusive language detection

  • Best practices for using NLP techniques in watchdog settings

  • Development of corpora and annotation guidelines

“The Dynamics of Lexical Innovation: Data, Methods, Models” workshop, Munich, Germany, June 28-30, 2017

A workshop entitled “The Dynamics of Lexical Innovation: Data, Methods, Models” has been scheduled for the 28th to the 30th of June 2017 in Munich, Germany.  The purpose of the workshop is to offer lexicography experts a scientific forum for cooperatively investigating the ways in which lexical innovations diffuse speech communities via usage domains and media.  In particular, the focus will be placed on the challenges involved in the theoretical and computational models of lexical innovation and diffusion processes. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the journal Pragmatics & Cognition in 2018. Read more about the workshop here.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Richard Blythe
  • Christophe Gérard
  • Jack Grieve
  • Will Hamilton
  • Suzanne Kemmer
  • Terttu Nevalainen
  • Jelena Prokić
  • Tanja Säily

Call for Papers: “Challenges for Wordnets” Workshop, LDK 2017, Galway, Ireland, June 18, 2017

On the 18th of June 2017, a workshop on computational linguistics, semantics, and lexicography will be taking place in Galway, Ireland. The official theme of the conference is “Challenges for Wordnets”. It will be co-located with the First Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2017). Wordnets are commonly used today to model word meanings in natural language processing. The one-day conference will specifically address the advantages and disadvantages posed by wordnets today. Abstracts for possible presentation are currently being accepted; read the Call for Papers here. In particular, papers dealing with modeling, application, compatibility, and evaluation are being solicited. Papers should be submitted via EasyChair. More information on the workshop can be found here. The deadline for submissions is March 30 2017.

Please submit papers of between 4-10 pages, excluding references, formatted using the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence formatting guidelines. Submissions should be anonymous. Submissions will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers and will be made available on online prior to the workshop.

Authors of good submissions will be invited to submit extended versions for a special issue of the Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives journal. The extended versions will be carefully peer reviewed, but the scope of this special issue will be set in advance.

DomainX™ 2017 Conference, London, England, April 9 2017

On the 9th of April 2017, an international conference on Domain Naming, DomainX™, will be held in London, England.  One of the main purposes of the conference is to spread public awareness about the industry of domain names and naming.  The conference also provides an excellent opportunity for globally networking within the this growing industry. More on this event can be found at the website.

Since inception in 2014, DomainX™ has been a dedicated annual domain name conference with multiple yearly events across the globe to network, spread awareness and educate public about domain names and the industry.