On the 20th and 21st of October, 2016, the University of Warsaw will be holding a special conference on “key words in contemporary Poland.” With invited contributions from computational linguistics, lexicography, sociolinguistics, and corpus linguistics, the focus of this scientific summit will be international selections for the “word of the year.” The conference languages are Polish, German and English.
eLex 2017, Leiden, Netherlands, September 19-21, 2017
From the 19th to the 21st of September 2017, the 5th biennial conference on electronic lexicography (eLex2017) will be held at the Holiday Inn in Leiden, Netherlands. The aim of the conference is to investigate state-of-the art technologies and methodologies for automating the creation of dictionaries. Attendees who are interested in presenting a 25 minute conference paper are invited to submit an abstract of between 300 and 500 words (excluding references) by the 1st of February 2017. The abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair.
Fourth International Conference on Onomastics Name and Naming (ICONN), Baia Mare, Romania, September 5-7, 2017
Announcing the Fourth International Conference on Onomastics Name and Naming: The event will be held September 5-7, 2017, in Baia Mare, Romania. It will focus on “Sacred and Profane in Onomastics.” Further information about the conference can be found on the ICONN 4 website.
5th International Summit of the Book, Limerick, Ireland, November 2-3, 2016
Registration is now open for the 5th International Summit of the Book in Limerick, Ireland. The summit will take place from the 2nd to the 3rd of November 2016. The event will be in the 4 star Limerick Strand Hotel. The purpose of this year’s Summit is to provide a forum for discussing the development of books into electronic formats and the subsequent impact on reading, addressing the tole of book translation in the preservation and transmission of culture. Among the list of scheduled speakers are John Van Oudenaren (Director, Scholarly and Educational Programs, The Library of Congress, Washington D.C. and Director, World Digital Library) and Dr. Sandra Collins (Director of the National Library of Ireland (NLI).
Onomastics Workshop at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Zurich, Switzerland, September 10-13, 2017
When a new person, place, thing, or idea is introduced into a language community, it is customary that the language users develop a name to designate the newcomer. Two of the most common linguistic strategies for developing names are borrowing preexisting names from other language communities and forming entirely new names. From the 10th to the 13th of September 2017, a workshop will be held in Zurich, Switzerland on the historical interaction between borrowing and word-formation in naming. This workshop will be held as a part of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). The deadline for abstract submissions (max. 300 words, excluding references) for the workshop is October 25, 2016.
Emerging Scholar Award Submissions due November 14, 2016
Presenters for the 2017 ANS Conference who are eligible for and interested in applying for the ANS Emerging Scholar Award (ESA), should have received all pertinent information.
The information is also available here: ESA Application Invitation
Emerging Scholar Award Submissions are due Monday, November 14, 2016.
Please send submissions to both ANS President Dr. I. M. Nick (mavi.yaz@web.de) and this year’s ESA Chair, Dr. Jan Tent (jan.tent@mq.edu.au).
11th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX), Guangzhou, China, June 10-12, 2017
The 11th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX 2017) will be held at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) in Guangzhou, China from the 10th to the 12 of June 2017. This conference will mark the 20th anniversary of ASIALEX. For inquiries regarding paper submission requirements and registration procedures, use the following email address: asialex2017@126.com.
Word Meaning Workshop, University of the Basque Country, November 2-3, 2016
From the 2nd to the 3rd of November 2016, the University of the Basque Country will hold an international workshop devoted to examining the underlying meaning of words. The workshop will provide a discursive platform for scholars in the fields of linguistics, pragmatics, philosophy and cognitive science to share their unique scientific perspectives on word meaning. A special focus will be placed on polysemy and the nature of word meaning representation.
Call for Papers: Thirteenth International Conference on Jewish Names, Jerusalem, Israel, August 6-10 2017
The Project for the Study of Jewish Names announces the Thirteenth International Conference on Jewish Names.
The conference will be held as part of the Seventeenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, which will take place from August 6-10, 2017 at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus Campus, Israel.
Call for Papers
The conference committee welcomes papers on all aspects of Jewish onomastics (personal names, family names, epithets and place-names) from the biblical period through the modern age, representing all Jewish communities world-wide and from all fields of research, including Judaic studies, linguistics, literature, sociology, anthropology, genealogy, and toponymics. Papers will be given in Hebrew and English.
Scholars who wish to present papers are requested to send a 200 word abstract, clearly stating contribution, a selected bibliography, and a brief academic profile to the address listed below no later than November 30, 2016.
For further information please contact: Professor Aaron Demsky, Director, Project for the Study of Jewish Names [Aaron.Demsky@biu.ac.il]
Steering Committee: Dr. Yigal Levin, Dr. Tsvi Sadan, and Dr. Stephanie Ginensky
All participants must register for the 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies.
Call for Papers: 26th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary, August 27-September 1 2017
Call for Papers for ICOS 2017:
26th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences / Internationalen Kongresses für Onomastik / Congrès International de Sciences Onomastiques.
27 August – 1 September 2017
University of Debrecen (Debrecen, Hungary)
Locality and globality in the world of names
The central topic of the congress is the linguistic position that proper names occupy in our present globalized world. Proper names as linguistic universals are an ancient linguistic category as old as language itself. They were probably created by the communicational situation in which, relying on linguistic signs fostering distinction, humans wanted to mark the things that were most important in their immediate environment. In fact, this ancient function is the most important reason for the existence and use of proper names even today. Nevertheless, at the same time, proper names may be the most characteristic linguistic representations of the global linguistic situation that has evolved up to our times. Communication in our times does not only make the ever more intensive use of proper names inevitable, but it also endows these with ever newer functions, continuously creating new types and sorts of names.
The wide-ranging central topic of the congress offers a number of possible approaches for speakers. Different questions of onomastic theory will come to the foreground, such as the situation of the variable relationships between particular types of names or their continuous interactions and changes. The presentation of the systematic character of names and their manifestation in different linguistic environments calls both for the study of phenomena and the accurate, thorough analysis of particular names. Besides the (historic and descriptive) aspects traditionally found in linguistics, new aspects may also be raised that have come to the fore over recent decades: e.g. socio- and psycho-onomastic or even cognitive frame sets; and, besides all these, even related disciplines, such as language policies or different approaches of applied science, may come to contribute to our knowledge concerning proper names.
The deadline for paper proposals is 31st October 2016. The program will be finalized in December 2016.