ICOS 2014 Proceedings Published

CaptureICOSThe 2014 conference proceedings are now published and available on the ICOS 2014 website:

Names and Their Environment. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Glasgow, 15-19 August 2014. 5 vols, edited by Carole Hough and Daria Izdebska. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2016.
The proceedings are available for download either by volume (five volumes in total) or by individual paper (organized by thematic section on the website).

Call for Papers: University of Warsaw Lexicography Conference

16567745718_afe493a9d1_mThe University of Warsaw has announced an upcoming lexicography conference called “Key Words / Słowa klucze / Schlüssel-Wörter.” The purpose of the conference is to bring together different methodologies and levels of language/discourse analysis.

The deadline for 300-word abstract submissions is August 31, 2016. The conferences languages are English, Polish, and German. Interested author are asked to email their abstracts to [sloworoku.polonuw.edu.pl].

A select group of accepted presentations will later be published in the journal “Tekst i Dyskurs” / “Text und Diskurs.”

Call for Papers: 19th Century Lexicography Conference, Stanford, California, April 6-7, 2018

6304394866_72d4d54060_mThe 19th Century Lexicography Conference will be held from the 6th to the 7th of April, 2018, at Stanford University in California. The aim of the conference is to compare dictionary-making in Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Pacific and beyond to discern inter- and intralingual lexicographical pattern. Interested contributors are asked to send abstracts by the 1st of September 2016 to Sarah Ogilvie (sogilviestanford.edu) and Gabriella Safran (gsafranstanford.edu). Abstracts may be no longer than 300 words (excluding references).

AutoCarto 2016 from the Cartography and Geographic Information Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 14-16, 2016

14370462841_9f328d4c29_mWhat could be better than a few days of sun, fun, and cartography? If you agree, the Cartography and Geographic Information Society has just the event for you!

From the 14th to the 16th of September 2016, the Society will be holding AutoCarto 2016, a symposium in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Visit the website for additional information about the conference, the scientific presentations, and scheduled workshops.

19th International Conference on Linguistic Theory and Lexicology (ICLT), Sydney, Australia, January 26-27, 2017

2553569080_eaca740043_mThe 19th International Conference on Linguistic Theory and Lexicology (ICLT) will be held from the 26th to the 27th of January 2017 in Sydney, Australia. The purpose of the ICLT conference is to bring together scientists, educators, and practitioners to share and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges from the fields of Linguistic Theory and Lexicology. Post conference proceedings will be abstracted and indexed in the International Science Index, Scopus, and Thomson Reuters.

The Council of Geographic Names Authorities (CGNA) Annual Conference, Richmond, VA, May 2017

5961390860_a81ac783a5_mThe Council of Geographic Names Authorities (CGNA) is a professional conglomerate of state and federal government agencies working together to promote the standardization of the names of geographic features for official use throughout the United States. Each year, the CGNA holds a conference for scientists, governmental policy-makers, and members of the general public. The conference program includes toponymic workshops, academic papers, and group discussions. According to CGNA officials, the organization’s next annual conference will be held in Richmond, Virginia during the week of May 10, 2017.

Updated Information: ANS Panel at the Modern Language Association Conference

philadelphia-493829_640More information is now available about the ANS Panel at the Modern Language Association Conference, January 5-8th, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA.

The American Name Society will be holding a special panel under the theme of “Names and Multilingualism.” Multilingual and multicultural communities have been developed since the ancient world. The linguistic and cultural contacts within these communities have attracted the interest of a broad range of disciplines, where in some cases different strands have emerged.

For panelist abstracts and bios see Names and Multilingualism Information.

DOMAINFest, Hong Kong, September 19-22 2016

6325401535_de8687a23f_mRecent years have seen an explosion of interest in the development, use, and marketing of domain names. One of the largest growing hubs for the application of this onomastic know-how is Asia. In recognition of that fact, the 2016 DOMAINFest, an international conference for business specialists in domain naming, will take place in Hong Kong from the 19th to the 22nd of September.

Scheduled speakers include:

  • Braden Pollock, founder and owner of Legal Brand Marketing
  • Jothan Frakes, co-founder and co-producer of NAMESCON
  • Bill Sweetman, President of Name Ninja
  • Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia