Names Society of Southern Africa International Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, September 20-22, 2016

5297881844_e21ca22a7e_mThe Names Society of Southern Africa (NSSA) and the Unit for Language Facilitation and Empowerment at the University of the Free State have announced their first call for papers for the 19th NSSA International Conference. Scheduled from the 20th to the 22nd of September 2016 at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, the theme of this conference is “Symbolism and Instrumentality in Naming”.

The deadline for abstract submission is the 30 of June 2016. The language of the conference is English.

Toponymic Session at the International Geographical Union Congress, Beijing, China, August 21-25,2016

2785380233_c1eee56d25_mThe joint commission of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the International Geographical Union (IGU) is organizing a typonymic session entitled “Place Names as Social Constructs” as a part of the 33rd IGU Congress in Beijing, China from the 21st to the 25th of August 2016.

The session is to focus on the ways in which place names reflect existing power relationships within societies.… Read More

2016 Emerging Scholar Award Winner

Maryann Parada (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Ethnolinguistic emblems in Latino Chicago: Attitudes of the second generation toward names and naming

lico_photo_maryannThe 2015 Emerging Scholar Award Committee is pleased to announce this year’s winner: Maryann Parada from the University of Illinois at Chicago. The title of her submission is “Ethnolinguistic emblems in Latino Chicago: Attitudes of the second generation toward names and naming.”



This study explores the name-language interface in the identity stances and attitudes of Latinos raised in the U.S. It follows Thompson’s (2006) approach in considering the name-identity-language connections for bilinguals, and also responds to Joseph’s (2004) call for work on how individuals perceive and negotiate ethnolinguistic identity through their names. Complementing previous research into the naming decisions of Hispanic immigrant parents, I examine the name-based perspectives of the named themselves. Survey data provided by 54 Latino young adults from the Chicago area are analyzed to investigate the relationship between the ethnic character of the participants’ personal names and their responses on topics such as name suitability and satisfaction, name pronunciation preferences, name changes, and the importance of names as ethnolinguistic identity markers. While clear patterns emerged, the data also highlight the complex, and often contradictive, relationships between self, language, and name.


Maryann Parada is a doctoral candidate in Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her interests lie in the sociolinguistics of minority Spanish, including issues in the areas of names and identity, language attitudes, family language policy, and heritage language pedagogy. Her recent publication in the Journal of Language, Identity and Education examines the role of birth order in the names of second generation Latinos in Chicago.


Attendees of the upcoming ANS annual conference in January will have a chance to hear her present her research in person.

As the ESA award-winner, Maryann will receive a cash award as well as a mentor who will assist her in preparing her research manuscript for possible publication in a future issue of NAMES. Click here for more information about the award.

This year’s ESA Committee was made up of Dr. Mirko Casagranda, Dr. Jan Tent, and Ms. Lisa Radding.

Sister Societies’ Meet-n-Greet

This year, the ANS has organized the Meet-n-Greet for all of the members of the LSA Sister Societies:

The event will be held from 8-10pm on Thursday, January 7th, at the City Tap House at 901 9th Street NW at I “Eye” Street.… Read More

ANS 2016 Conference Dinner Announcement

gallery1This year’s conference dinner will be held in Clyde’s of Gallery Place located at 707 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.. Our group reservation is for 7pm on Saturday, January 9, 2016. If you have not already made your reservation for what promises to be a fun-filled evening, please contact our Treasurer, Michael McGoff: mmcgoff[@]

2016 Slate of Nominees for ANS Officers

The American Name Society is pleased to announce the 2016 Slate of Nominees for ANS Officer positions:

  • Vice President: Dr. Dorothy Dodge Robbins, Louisiana Tech University, USA
  • Allied Conference Coordinator*: Dr. Andreas Gavrielatos, University of Edinburgh, SCOTLAND
  • Member-at-large: Dr. Jan Tent, University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA
  • Membership Officer*: Ms.
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Laura Ivanov and Sara-Joelle Clark of the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum will give a keynote speech at the ANS annual meeting in January.

event-1719The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, D.C. is one of the world’s premiere institutions for preserving the memory of the Holocaust and reminding current and future generations about the dangers of hatred and intolerance. The USHMM maintains one of the largest international research collections of historical artifacts documenting the crimes committed during the Nazi period.

The American Name Society is pleased to announce that one of the keynote speeches to take place during the annual conference in Washington, D.C. will be given by Laura Ivanov and Sara-Joelle Clark, who work in the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center of the USHMM.

Ivanov and Clark will be giving a talk entitled “Research and Preservation of Names at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum”. During the presentation the experts will discuss the types of name based collections that are available at the museum. The presentation is a must-see for researchers and private citizens interested in learning more about international efforts to uncover and preserve the names of Shoah victims for all posterity.

The keynote is scheduled for Friday, January 8th, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm in Salon 14 of the of the Marriott Marquis.

See additional information on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Website.

Jacqueline Pata, Executive Director of the National Congress of American Indians, will be a keynote speaker for the ANS annual meeting in January.

4758464068_3b9ffaefd2_mOn the 9th of January, 2015, the Linguistic Society of America passed a landmark resolution calling for the immediate cessation of the all Native American names, nicknames, logos, and mascots in sport. The resolution is to respect and support the right of individual tribal nations to decide how to protect and celebrate their respective tribal heritages, including their right to control how their names will be used in public spaces.… Read More