From the 28th to the 30th of October, a conference on dialects, lexicography, and etymology will be held in Corsica, France in honor of F. D. Falcucci. The deadline for registration is the 20th of October. Click here for more on the conference (available in both French and Italian).
Christian Literary Studies Group (CLSG) Conference: Homiletics / The Game of the Name, Oxford, November 7, 2015
On the 7th of November 2015, the Christian Literary Studies Group (CLSG) will be holding a conference entitled “Homiletics / The Game of the Name” at Corpus Christi College, Oxford (UK). The purpose of the CLSG is to explore the Christian faith via literary analysis.
This year’s conference will explore the significance of names and naming in Biblical texts. Some of the scheduled presentations include:
- “Christian Names: some aspects of literary onomastics in early English literature”, Dr Paul Cavill, University of Nottingham
- “Robert Southwell’s sermon The Triumphs over Death”, Dr Mike Nolan, La Trobe University, Melbourne
- “Wuldorfæder and Heofenrices Weard: The Names of God in Old English Poetry”, Samuel Cardwell, Cambridge
The attendance fee for non-members is £18. Click here for more information about the conference and to learn about the CLSG Journal, The Glass.
What to call Vulvodynia pain?
One of the most frustrating and frightening parts of having a physical ailment is when the doctors do not know how to label it. Somehow having a name for what ails us gives us an odd sort of comfort. However, from a doctor’s point of view, the fact that a set of symptoms is given a name by one doctor does not mean that another doctor would apply the same medical moniker if presented the same patient.… Read More
International workshop on toponymy by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) of the Republic of Korea, Jeju Island, October 8-10
From the 8th to the 10th of October, the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) of the Republic of Korea will be holding an international workshop on place names. The name of the toponymy workshop is “Place Names to the Public”.
The event will be held in Jeju Island, and is a part of the 20th UN Regional Cartogaphic Conference for Asia and the Pacific, which will be held from the 5th to the 9th of October.… Read More
The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) Session, Bangkok, April 25-29 2016
The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) will be holding its 29th session from the 25 to the 29 of April 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The purpose of UNGEGN is to provide encouragement and guidance to countries without an official nationwide system of standardization of geographical names. It also serves an over-arching clearing house function by collecting information on the techniques, systems, and procedures used by the member states in the standardization, dissemination, and transliteration of geographic names.
For more about this professional group, the upcoming conference in Thailand or other related UNGEGN events, see the official website.
Annual Conference of the Council of Geographical Names Authorities (COGNA), Reno, Nevada, May 3-4 2016
From the 3rd to the 4th of May, 2016, the Annual Conference of the Council of Geographical Names Authorities (COGNA) will be holding its conference in Reno, Nevada. Although the conference plan has not yet been finalized, according to the event organizers, the 2016 COGNA will feature a meeting of the U.S. Board of Geographic Names.
For researchers interested in presenting a paper, stay-tuned to the COGNA website for upcoming conference updates as they become available.
The Society for Low German Linguistic Research Annual Meeting, Stendal Germany, May 16-19 2016
The Society for Low German Linguistic Research (Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung) will be holding it 129th annual meeting from the 16th to the 19th of May 2016 in Stendal, Germany.
With that goal in sight, the Society has officially opened its call for papers. Research papers dealing with the topics of historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and lexicography in Low German languages are welcome.
The special theme of the 2016 conference is new research methods for investigating the language and/or literature of low German (e.g. Narratology, multi-/ cross-media studies).
Anyone interested in presenting is asked to send in a 250 word/2,000 character abstract to Ingrid Schroeder (ingrid.schroeder[@] The deadline for receipt of proposals is October 15, 2015. The conference language is German. Click here for more about the society.
International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ISHLL) Conference, Bloomington, IN
The International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ISHLL), a scholarly society devoted to investigating the history of dictionaries and dictionary formation, will be holding it eighth annual conference in Bloomington, Indiana. To receive the call for papers and information about the conference, join the mailing list here.
For additional information, click here.
Public Seminar of Names, University of Helsinki, October 2, 2015
A public seminar on names is being held once again at the University of Helsinki on Friday, October 2, 2015. This traditional event is open to everyone who is interested in onomastics. The seminar program contains names-related presentations (in Finnish) from authors, graduate students, and researchers from the University of Helsinki, University of Tampere, and the Institute for the Languages of Finland.
Click here for more information.
Onomastics Sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress, July 4-7 2016
The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources will be holding special sessions on medieval cross-linguistic/cross-cultural onomastics at the Leeds International Medieval Congress, which is scheduled to take place from the 4th to the 7th of July 2016.
Researchers interested in presenting their work are encouraged to submit a100-200 word paper proposal no later than the 15th of September 2015 to eic[@] In line with the multicultural focus of the planned sessions, proposed presentations may be held in several non-English languages including German, English, Spanish, French, and Italian. Questions about the event may be directed to the email listed above.