LSA 2021 Annual Meeting to Take Place Virtually, January 7-10, 2021

The Linguistic Society of America is happy to be able to announce to you that the LSA 2021 Annual Meeting will be held virtually.  The dates will be the same as previously scheduled: January 7-10, 2021. Please check the LSA website in the coming weeks for information about the meeting schedule, format, online platform, virtual exhibit hall, registration, and more.

Given the uncertainty until now about the format of the Annual Meeting, some of you may have chosen not to submit an abstract for a meeting which you did not expect you would be able to attend.  The LSA are actively considering other ways to allow our members to present peer-reviewed research virtually some time during the period between the 2021 and 2022 Annual Meetings.

Please note that the ANS meeting will be held online during the weekend of January 22-25, 2021, and will NOT be held in conjunction with the LSA meeting.

FINAL Call for Papers: ANS 2021, ONLINE, January 22-25, 2021

The American Name Society (ANS) is  inviting proposals for papers for its next annual conference, January 22-25, 2021. After serious deliberation of an official proposal made on the 8th of May 2020, the Executive Council of the American Name Society unanimously voted to hold the 2021 Annual Conference online. All presentation sessions will be held online during the four days of the conference. This means that our conference will NOT be held in conjunction with the LSA meeting, which is still slated to be held in January 2021 in San Francisco. To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2021 Author Information Form.

Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome. The NEW DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts is AUGUST 1, 2020. 

Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton using the following address: <>. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2021” in the subject line of your email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before September 30, 2020. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS. Please feel free to contact ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton should you have any questions or concerns.

A downloadable PDF of the REVISED Call for Papers can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Call for Papers: 14th Biennial Conference of the High Desert Linguistics Society, November 20-22, 2020

UPDATE: In light of the developing situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to host HDLS 14 as a fully virtual conference.

Extended Abstract Deadline: August 10, 2020

The High Desert Linguistics Society is pleased to announce our 14th biennial conference, HDLS 14. The conference will take place November 20-22, 2020 at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. HDLS 14 will focus on research in cognitive and functional linguistics, typology, sociocultural linguistics, indigenous languages, and Hispanic linguistics. This conference will also highlight interdisciplinary research from the point of view of psychology, cognitive science, anthropology, education, and computer science, among others.

Along with other topics in linguistics, sociocultural research regarding language use are of interest for this conference, including research focused on language and identity, such as gender, ethnicity/race, social class, etc. With the rise of related issues in our society, we believe interdisciplinary studies have become more important than before. We learned that Gender and Language community also focuses on language-based research on gender and sexuality but from more than just a linguistic perspective. In this regard, we value research on the intersections between language and gender and hope our audience will be able to attend some talks on this topic and share ideas as well.

We are honored to announce that our keynote presenters for HDLS 14 are:

Barbara Dancygier, University of British Columbia
Ryan Lepic, Gallaudet University
Catherine Rhodes, University of New Mexico

Applicants can submit abstracts for presentations, posters, and themed panels. Abstracts for presentations and posters must be no more than 300 words excluding examples, tables, charts, and references (ASL submission; 2-4 minute video).

For themed panels, each presenter will have 20 minutes, plus 30 minutes of discussion for the panel as a whole. Presenters interested in this format are responsible for deciding who will be part of the suggested panel. Only one document should be submitted per panel. The document should include the proposed panel topic (300 words; 2-4 minutes), and how each presenter will contribute to it (500 words total; 4-6 minutes).

Abstracts may be submitted in English, Spanish, or American Sign Language. Applicants may submit one single-authored and one co-authored abstract. All written abstracts should be submitted to the EasyChair link below. Abstracts in ASL should be uploaded to a file-sharing website and shared with

EasyChair link:

For any further information please visit our website at or email us at


REVISED Call for Papers: ANS 2021, ONLINE, January 22-25, 2021

The American Name Society (ANS) is  inviting proposals for papers for its next annual conference, January 22-25, 2021. After serious deliberation of an official proposal made on the 8th of May 2020, the Executive Council of the American Name Society unanimously voted to hold the 2021 Annual Conference online. All presentation sessions will be held online during the four days of the conference. This means that our conference will NOT be held in conjunction with the LSA meeting, which is still slated to be held in January 2021 in San Francisco. To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2021 Author Information Form.

Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome. The NEW DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts is AUGUST 1, 2020. 

Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton using the following address: <>. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2021” in the subject line of your email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before September 30, 2020. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS. Please feel free to contact ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton should you have any questions or concerns.

A downloadable PDF of the REVISED Call for Papers can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Call for Papers: Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Online, January 7–10, 2021

The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) will hold its annual winter meeting on January 7-10, 2021. SSILA meetings allow scholars to present on a wide range of topics centered on any aspect of Indigenous American languages.

Because of the global COVID-19 crisis, this conference will be held online on a virtual platform, allowing participants to take part in the meeting without the need to travel. The SSILA executive committee is currently exploring all options so that registration fees can be kept at a minimum.


The deadline for receipt of all abstracts is on July 17th at 11:59PM (Hawaii-Aleutian time). Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the electronic submission website EasyChair. Consult the SSILA website for detailed instructions. Also, e-mail or hard-copy submissions will be accepted if arrangements are made in advance with the SSILA Program Committee Administrator, Martin Kohlberger ( Abstracts may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

The Easy Chair submission page address is

Some General Requirements

  1. All authors must be members of SSILA. See the SSILA website for information about membership and renewal. The membership requirement may be waived for co-authors who are from disciplines other than those ordinarily represented by SSILA (linguistics and linguistic anthropology).
  2. Any member may submit one single-author abstract and one multi-author abstract OR two multi-author abstracts.
  3. Papers must not appear in print before the meeting.
  4. Authors may not submit identical abstracts for presentation at the SSILA meeting and the LSA meeting or a meeting of one of the Sister Societies (ADS, ANS, NAAHoLS, SPCL, TALE). Authors may submit substantially different abstracts for presentation at the SSILA meeting and the LSA or a Sister Society meeting.

Please go to the SSILA website Winter Meeting 2021 for a complete list of the General Requirements, information on Abstract Format, Abstract Categories and Content, and detailed instructions for submitting abstracts on EasyChair.

REVISED Call for Papers: ANS 2021, ONLINE, January 22-25, 2021

The American Name Society (ANS) is  inviting proposals for papers for its next annual conference, January 22-25, 2021. After serious deliberation of an official proposal made on the 8th of May 2020, the Executive Council of the American Name Society unanimously voted to hold the 2021 Annual Conference online. All presentation sessions will be held online during the four days of the conference. This means that our conference will NOT be held in conjunction with the LSA meeting, which is still slated to be held in January 2021 in San Francisco. To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2021 Author Information Form.

Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome. The NEW DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts is AUGUST 1, 2020. 

Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton using the following address: <>. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2021” in the subject line of your email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before September 30, 2020. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS. Please feel free to contact ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton should you have any questions or concerns.

A downloadable PDF of the REVISED Call for Papers can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

It’s Official: ANS 2021 Conference will be Virtual

American Name SocietyAfter serious deliberation of an official proposal made on the 8th of May 2020, the Executive Council of the American Name Society unanimously voted to hold the 2021 Annual Conference online. The exact format and date of the conference will be announced by June 15, 2020. This means that our conference will NOT be held in conjunction with the LSA meeting, which is still slated to be held in January 2021 in San Francisco.

As stipulated in the proposal, there were several important reasons behind the decision to hold our upcoming annual conference virtually: 1) a significant number of our members are in high-risk groups because of their age and/or pre-existing health conditions; 2) the international and domestic travel restrictions that have been imposed to control the spread of COVID-19 will make it exceedingly difficult for members to attend the conference; and 3) the individual and institutional economic fallout of COVID-19 will no doubt make prohibitive the costs connected with a traditional conference (LSA/ANS registration fees, travel costs, hotel accommodation food, etc).  Of all these reasons, the most important is of course the first. It is important to bear in mind that the very factors which make the traditional conference enjoyable also make it high-risk (i.e., traveling to a major metropolitan area to join a large gathering of people—both the attendees and the other hotel guests—who meet for intensive discussions, often times over shared meals, in small crowded spaces for a prolonged period of time).

The ANS Executive Council agreed that a virtual format would allow members to share their work without the dangers mentioned above. Even if COVID-19 were not an issue, this format will also attract people who might otherwise not have been able to attend our conference. Finally, this decision offers the added bonus of holding a conference in manner that is more environmentally sound. Members who are interested in viewing the original proposal or the report on proposal made to the ANS-EC vote  are encouraged to contact the ANS Secretary, Dr. Star Vanguri.

A revised Call for Papers will be sent out as soon as the date and time have been finalized. In the meantime, we will continue to accept abstracts for the 2021 conference. If you have questions, please contact us at <>.

Call for Papers: ANS 2021, San Francisco, CA, January 7-10, 2021

The American Name Society (ANS) is now inviting proposals for papers for its next annual conference. The 2021 conference will be held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America. Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 30, 2020. To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2021 Author Information Form.

Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton using the following address: <>. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2021” in the subject line of your email.  Presenters who may need additional time to secure international funding and/or travel visas to the United States are urged to submit their proposal as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: Because of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, it is unclear whether the conference will proceed as planned. If the LSA decides against an in-person meeting, we will consider online alternatives so that scholars may still present their important research. We will provide updates on the conference status at the ANS website and through email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before August 30, 2020. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS and need to register with both the ANS and the Linguistic Society of America. Please feel free to contact ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton should you have any questions or concerns.

A downloadable PDF of the Call for Papers can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Call for Papers: ANS 2021, San Francisco, CA, January 7-10, 2021

The American Name Society (ANS) is now inviting proposals for papers for its next annual conference. The 2021 conference will be held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America. Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 30, 2020. To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2021 Author Information Form.

Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton using the following address: <>. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2021” in the subject line of your email.  Presenters who may need additional time to secure international funding and/or travel visas to the United States are urged to submit their proposal as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: Because of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, it is unclear whether the conference will proceed as planned. If the LSA decides against an in-person meeting, we will consider online alternatives so that scholars may still present their important research. We will provide updates on the conference status at the ANS website and through email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before August 30, 2020. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS and need to register with both the ANS and the Linguistic Society of America. Please feel free to contact ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton should you have any questions or concerns.

A downloadable PDF of the Call for Papers can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Official Statement on ANS 2021 Conference

American Name SocietyAs you probably know, our annual conference is held in conjunction with that of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA). While there has been no official statement from the LSA about the next annual conference, we are monitoring the latest guidance about COVID-19 and are developing contingency plans for the ANS 2021 should it need to be postponed or cancelled. We hope, of course, that we will be able to convene next January. However, our top priority is the safety and welfare of our members and guests. We will continue to keep you informed as we move forward with our preparations for ANS 2021. Please look for the official Call for Papers later this week!