The International Congress of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology (CLLT) will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of July 2017 at the Universidad Nacional De Cordoba in Argentina. This inclusive meeting proposes the idea of building bridges between current lexicological, lexicographic and terminological studies, considering these disciplines as complementary entities, and considering their corresponding objects of study as belonging to a shared system.
Given the growing interest in these disciplines and the number of studies which emerge from them, it is the aim of the CLLT to provide these different fields with an importance of their own, where the lines separating them blur. It is thus expected that a dialogue and an exchange between lexicology, lexicography and terminology will take place, and will consequently bring about discussions and reflections on certain essential aspects of the work with words, from different academic histories and viewpoints.
The CLLT’s most important aim, and its main challenge at the same time, is to overcome the frontiers and hermetic positions between lexicological and terminological studies. At the same time, this Conference aims at becoming a space of convergence of ideas and conceptions, as well as different interests, objectives and perspectives.