A PhD studentship is being offered by the University of Glasgow for students who are interested in researching connections between place names and geology. The project, called Place-Names on the Rocks, intends to test the proposition that place-names reflect, and might even be used to predict, aspects of underlying geology in the landscape. This will be achieved by subjecting Scottish place-name data to a rigorous examination underpinned by geological expertise. Fieldwork will contextualise place-name data in a geological framework to strengthen the candidate’s research linking these two features. The project proposes that the link between place-names and geology is not confined to only one language or area, and so the research will encompass different parts of Scotland, and involve investigating names originally coined in Gaelic, Scots and Old Norse. The deadline for formal applications is: 12noon, Friday 12 January 2018. Requirements and information on how to apply can be found at the web page.