About Names: July 4 2017 is the 241st birthday of the United States of America. But the name America dates back 510 years

America Ferrera

Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. In his July 4th column, he looks at the history of the name America. 

America was named after Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512.) He was born in Florence and named after his paternal grandfather. The Normans brought a French form of the name to England, where it became Amery or Emery. In Latin, Amerigo became Americus.

Américo is the Spanish form. América has been used as a woman’s name throughout Latin America — fittingly, since South America was given its name.

Hispanic immigration brought America back into the top 1,000 U.S. names in 1998. For unknown reasons it later boomed with Latino parents, peaking at No. 410 in 2002, when 704 children were given the name America.

It’s tempting to link that surge with actress America Ferrera. Born to immigrants from Honduras in Los Angeles in 1984, she was named after her mother, América Griselda Ayes. Read more about the history of the name America here!

Course in Geographical Names: Management and Practice, Windhoek, University of Namibia, Sept. 21-23 2017

The University of the Free State in conjunction with the University of Namibia will be holding an intensive course on the nature of geographic names. This course will cover not only the linguistics of place naming, but also the geographical, cartographic, and technical aspects of toponymy. The course will take place from the 21st to the 23rd of September 2017 in Windhoek, Namibia. To find out more about this course and apply to take part, click here.


Call for Papers: 2nd Ostrava Onomastic Meeting, Ostrava, Czech Republic, April 23-25 2018

The University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic will be holding the Ostrava Onomastic Meeting from the 23rd to the 25th of April 2018. The theme of the conference is “Place Names as a Mirror of Political Developments in Modern European Society 1848 to 2018”. The conference will cover issues such as toponymy and state and national borders; toponymy and politics; toponymy and art; toponymy and ideology. The deadline for abstract submissions is November 20, 2017. Information on this conference can be found at the website.

The conference language is English. The authors are responsible for the content and language of their papers. Presentations of papers should not exceed 15 minutes; PowerPoint presentations are required. The conference organizers plan to publish a book containing papers that are accepted for the conference.

ICC2017: 28th International Conference on Cartography, Washington DC, July 2-7 2017

From the 2nd to the 7th of July 2017, the 28th International Conference on Cartography will be held in Washington, D.C.. Details on registration as well as the conference program can be found at the website. Register now!

Message from the conference organizers: “Our bi-annual International Cartographic Conferences are highlights on the cartographic calendar. It is with great pleasure that I invite you to Washington, DC, in the United States to participate in ICA’s 28th conference. It promises to be a unique and successful event. It will be unique because we will experience the developments in our discipline since the previous conference. These developments will be expressed in papers and posters and in exhibitions of maps and technology. Unique because Washington, DC, is the center of US cartography, and many organizations and companies will share their knowledge with us. Successful because you will be there too.”

Group suggests adding tag to resurrected extinct animal names

A group of German scientists has suggested that the formal names of extinct animals should be given a special linguistic tag to indicate their origins. The purpose of the tagging is to provide an onomastic distinction between extinct species and species that have been resurrected from the DNA of their long-gone ancestors.

In a Policy Forum piece in the journal Science, the group suggests adding the tag “recr” to scientific names given to resurrected creatures to make sure they are not confused with the original. Want to learn more about this project? Click here.

ICTMO 2017: 19th International Conference on Taxonomy of Marine Organisms, Zurich, Switzerland, July 27-28 2017

The 19th International Conference on Taxonomy of Marine Organisms will be held from July 27-28, 2017 in Zurich, Switzerland. This conference is considered a premier interdisciplinary platform for discussing new advances in marine taxonomy.

The ICTMO 2017 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Taxonomy of Marine Organisms. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Taxonomy of Marine Organisms. The conference program can be found here.

TSS2017: International Terminology Summer School, Cologne, Germany, July 10-14 2017

The International Terminology Summer School (TSS) is the leading and largest international summer school for terminology professionals with about 80 participants from some 40 countries and almost every continent. From July 10-14 2017, TSS offers a one-week, practice-oriented training course covering a comprehensive overview of the methods and principles of terminology management. The course is taught by some of the most renowned and prominent terminology experts in the world. Participation in TSS qualifies to obtain the ECQA Certificate for Terminology Managers.

TSS is offered by TermNet, the largest international terminology network world-wide. Established in 1988 with the main aim to foster and develop an international market for terminology products and services, TermNet today represents the leading organizations in the global terminology and language industries.

TSS was designed for language and terminology professionals, students and researchers who are looking for a practice-oriented, comprehensive, state-of-the-art introduction to terminology management theory and practice. No specific background or knowledge level is required to participate. However, the course is most beneficial to those who have at least minimum experience working with or on terminology.

CLLT: 1st International Congress of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, July 5-7 2017

The International Congress of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology (CLLT) will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of July 2017 at the Universidad Nacional De Cordoba in Argentina. This inclusive meeting proposes the idea of building bridges between current lexicological, lexicographic and terminological studies, considering these disciplines as complementary entities, and considering their corresponding objects of study as belonging to a shared system.

Given the growing interest in these disciplines and the number of studies which emerge from them, it is the aim of the CLLT to provide these different fields with an importance of their own, where the lines separating them blur. It is thus expected that a dialogue and an exchange between lexicology, lexicography and terminology will take place, and will consequently bring about discussions and reflections on certain essential aspects of the work with words, from different academic histories and viewpoints.

The CLLT’s most important aim, and its main challenge at the same time, is to overcome the frontiers and hermetic positions between lexicological and terminological studies. At the same time, this Conference aims at becoming a space of convergence of ideas and conceptions, as well as different interests, objectives and perspectives.


50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 10-13 2017

The University of Zurich will be hosting the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea from the 10th to the 13th of September 2017. Registration for this event will close on the 1st of August 2017. The program for the conference can be found at the website. The conference includes a workshop titled “The grammar of names“, convened by Antje Dammel (University of Freiburg), Johannes Helmbrecht (University of Regensburg), Damaris Nübling (University of Mainz), Barbara Schlücker (University of Bonn) & Thomas Stolz (University of Bremen).