People of the Ancient World Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 13-15, 2016

20531666760_b254040562_mFrom the 13th to 15th of October, an International conference on “People of the Ancient World” will be held at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. The goal of the three-day conference is to bring together researchers whose work focuses on the Greco-Roman world. One of the official themes of the conference will be “Onomastics, naming practices, and name interpretation”. Further information about this conference can be obtained by emailing romans1by1[@]

Announcing the LEME Database for Lexicons of Early Modern English

12267705494_674668b0e1_mLEME, of the Lexicons of Early Modern English, is a new data-base for researchers interested in historical linguistics. The data-base currently contains more than 750,000 word entries from the years 1480 to 1755. The primary sources used for the digitized compilation include lexicons from the Tudor, Stuart, Caroline, Commonwealth, and Restoration Periods. Users of the LEME can search for entries by date, title, author, subject, and genre.

About the Designation of Official Names and Proper Names for Certain Biological Products

12199077663_d9b56e00e0_mIn the pharmaceutical business, companies hoping to jump on the profit bandwagon of their competitors often release products that have no significant clinical difference to the market leaders. Makers of these “biosimilars” have long argued that their products should be allowed to carry the same generic or non-proprietary names as the name brand leaders. However, many of the major drug franchisors have fought tooth and nail against this practice, claiming territorial rights. Caught in the middle of the billion-dollar onomastic fight has been the US government. Recently, however, the FDA proposed a solution. The generic drug system would be augmented with a random set of four letters. Learn more about the proposed naming rules.

How to pronounce EURO players’ names correctly

5083813878_c79c6b7eb6_mThe Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has been continually beleaguered by reports of embezzlement, bribery, and general skullduggery. In an effort to shine the spotlight in a completely different direction, the UEFA has started a new campaign to show the ways the multi-billion dollar conglomerate helps to bring people together.

Visitors to the UEFA website can now find a helpful guide to correctly pronouncing the names of the top European team players. For example, to help fans (in particular English-speaking fans) pronounce France’s team players, the following advice is given: “Basic school French should help. Dimitri Payet’s surname sounds like ‘pie-ette’— equivalent to the sound of Liam Gallagher from Oasis saying ‘I ate.’” Although well-meaning, advice like this seems to have caused more jeers than cheers among Europe’s football fans.