At Princeton, Woodrow Wilson, a Heralded Alum, Is Recast as an Intolerant One

2872022732_7b77a4f62c_mWoodrow Wilson is perhaps best known as the 28th President of the United States. However, at Princeton University, the name of the Nobel Peace Prize winning politician from the Southern state of Virginia has begun to take on an additional association: racial discrimination.

The university’s Black Justice League has publicized the history of Wilson’s unwavering private and public support for racial segregation in the United States. According to leaders of the Princeton activists, this legacy of intolerance is not only an affront to minority students and staff, it also calls into question the appropriateness of university institutions continuing to carry the former President’s surname. Critics of the recent calls for on-campus name-changes are quick to remind, however, that the prestige which the university currently enjoys is due in no small measure to Wilson’s past leadership as one of the university’s early presidents.

According to an article appearing recently in the New York Times, the final decision over whether the names of certain campus mainstays such as the renowned “Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs” will undergo an onomastic make-over is in the hands of the University’s Board of Trustees. Although deleting the name Wilson will not right the wrongs done during the Wilsonian period, the discussion may well help current generations to appreciate the importance of protecting the civil rights which so many gave their lives to secure.

Research showing female-named storms seen as less threatening ‘worth considering’

16299823153_065be21e7e_mABS news Australia recently reported that meteorologists down under are re-considering the tradition of bestowing storms male and female names. According to Alan Sharp who manages the tropical cyclone warning services for Australia, questions have been raised in response to American researchers’ findings that storms bearing female names may be taken less seriously than storms carrying male names. Whether or not the decades of results gathered by American investigators working within Gender Studies, Psychology, and Statistics actually apply to Australia has not yet been demonstrated.

Based on work published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this assertion is to be taken quite seriously. As reported in an article from the Washington Post, some research indicates that simply “changing a severe hurricane’s name from Charley […] to Eloise[…] could nearly triple its death toll.” These findings are important for risk management.

Conference called “Seafaring: An Early Medieval Conference on the Islands of the North Atlantic”, Denver, Colorado, November 3-5, 2016

3191479019_0644809dfc_mThe Department of English of the University of Denver will be hosting a special conference called “Seafaring: An Early Medieval Conference on the Islands of the North Atlantic” from the 3rd to the 5th of November, 2016. Abstracts for the conference for sessions, seminars, workshops/forums are now being accepted.

Scientists whose work deals with naming and the cross-cultural and/or multi-linguistic relationships among people of the North Atlantic are encouraged to submit an abstract. The Medieval Association of Place and Space (MAPS) can provide more information on that event and on other events of potential interest to researchers working on cartography, geography, and onomastics.

French Geographer Dr. Matthieu Giroud among the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks

22611268748_69471f2376_mOne important branch of onomastics involves the investigation of the intersection between language and topography. To that end, many onomasticians are also geographers.

The American Name Society is sad to share the tragic news, recently confirmed by the Association of the American Geographers (AAG): On the 13th of November, 2015, French geographer, Dr. Matthieu Giroud, an Associate Professor at the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, was murdered in the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. Dr. Giroud’s area of specialization was immigration and inter-ethnic relations. Dr. Giroud leaves behind his 3 year old son and his wife, who is pregnant with their second child.

The American Name Society expresses condolences to both the Giroud family and all the other mourners who’ve lost loved ones during terrorist attacks this year.

Association of Researchers in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Conference, Brasov, Romania, September 21-24, 2016

7589129282_970b96a0a0_mThe Association of Researchers in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics will be holding its 4th annual conference entitled the “Structure, Use, and Meaning”. The conference will be held from the 21st to the 24th of September 2016, in Braşov, Romania. The purpose of the conference is to reinforce a dialogue between researchers and practitioners.… Read More

Nine-year-old names new asteroid

16884179681_9859e4501c_qWhen an asteroid is discovered and its orbit is determined, it is given a provisional identification number. Sometime later, the celestial body may be issued a formal name to be listed by the International Astronomical Union. Recently, NASA held a contest inviting students under the age of 18 to name the asteroid number: 101955 199 RQ36.



  • The name could not be longer than 16 characters.
  • It must be pronounceable in more than one language.
  • It could not be considered offensive.


By the time the contest deadline arrived, officials had received more than 8,000 suggestions from school children from around the world.

After reviewing this proposals, judges finally selected the name Bennu which was sent in by 9 year old Michael Puzio from North Carolina. According to officials, what made this name the winner was meaningful history. A mythological name for a large heron, the symbol of Osiris, the name Bennu means “the Ascending One” which brilliantly reflects the fact that in 2023, the asteroid will rise and shine across Earth’s night sky.

In September 2016, NASA will launch a spacecraft to take samples from Bennu. The name of this special mission is OSIRIS-Rex, an acronym for the “Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer.”