Student changes name to avoid £220 Ryanair fee

16601483654_9028d4a82e_mAfter his flight to Ibiza was booked under the wrong name, a student from Manchester, England, legally changed his name to match that on the booking instead of paying the alteration fee. Adam Armstrong had set his name on Facebook as Adam West, the stage name of the U.S. American actor who played the comic character in the now iconic ABC television Batman series. This backfired when his girlfriend’s stepfather, believing Adam’s surname to be West, booked their flights. After doing a bit of researching, Adam discovered that the fee for changing the name on the airplane ticket would have cost him whopping £220 (ca. $350), whereas officially changing his surname from “Armstrong” to “West” would cost less than half that amount. In one fell swoop, the resourceful Manchester student legally changed his surname to “West”, obtained a new passport, navigated around Ryanair’s booking alteration fees, and claimed his plane ticket for a well-deserved trip to sunny Ibiza. ZOOOIEEE!

Spanish village is no longer called “Kill Jews”

10367839994_a632b3e557_mIn a historic election, the citizens of tiny village located in the Northern Spain voted to change the name of their town from the controversial anti-Semitic toponym Castrillo Matajudíos or “Fort Kill the Jews’” to Castrillo Mota de Judíos or “Fort Hill of Jews”.

Although the exact origin and motivation for the original moniker are still a matter of historical speculation, over its 1,000 year existence, the Jewish culture has long been part of the town’s heritage. In fact, the village coat of arms and flag both feature the Star of David.

According to the town major, Lorenzo Rodríguez Pérez, it was high time the town change its name. In an interview with the UK Guardian, he was quoted as saying that the villagers could no longer “carry a name that suggests we kill Jewish people when we’re completely the opposite; this is a community that sprang from Jewish roots and its descendants are the descendants of Jewish people”.


Global WordNet Conference, Bucharest Romania, January 27-30 2016

The 8th annual Global WordNet Conference will be held in Bucharest, Romania, from the 27th to the 30th of January, 2016. The purpose of this conference is to offer researchers and developers from around the world the chance to discuss their latest work in the development of wordnet.2218565333_2d0b766308_m

Hosted by the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of the Romanian Academy, the conference organizers are now accepting abstracts for papers addressing topics such as:

  • lexicography, onotologies and wordnets
  • semantic relations, components, and co-occurrence statistics
  • the integration of multi-wordnets in infrastructures such as CLARIN and LT networks


Proposals for tutorials are also welcome. The call for papers ends the 6th of September, 2015. Click here for more on this event.

Course entitled “Western European Surnames” at Newberry Library in Chicago, fall 2015

2718941649_1c453a99cf_mWhat mysteries of the past can be unlocked by your family’s surnames?

This fall, historical linguist Dr. Jack Shreve will be answering this and other fascinating onomastic questions in a three session course entitled “Western European Surnames” at Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois. During this seminar, attendees will learn about the derivation of surnames from North, South, and Central Europe.

More information about the course readings, class syllabus, and the registration process can be found by contacting Professor Shreve directly at jackshrevechicago[@]

At Oberlin College, band’s gig canceled over its name, says ‘Viet Cong’ is ‘deeply offensive’

14276357379_c2e0b2b440_mA Canadian band with the name VietCong has sparked international controversy. The Band took its name from the name of the Viêt Công political organization and army which fought against the US during the Vietnam War from 1959 to 1975.

The controversy surrounding the Canadian Indie band’s name choice came to a head when authorities at Oberlin College in Ohio decided to cancel a scheduled show at The Dionysus Disco, a student-run night club on campus. The university cancelled the performance on the grounds that the group’s name was injurious and deeply offensive. While some defend the band’s right to name themselves as a necessary and sacred expression of artistic freedom, others feel that the teenage band is an exploitative and insensitive ploy to gain public attention.

Click here for more information.

Swedish prince named Nicolas Paul Gustaf

9195944224_611dc4dc79_mOn June 15, 2015, at 13:45 CEST, Princess Madeleine, the Duchess of Hälsindland and Gästrikland, in Sweden, gave birth to a healthy baby boy. On the 17th of June, Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustaf announced the official name and title of his grandson: Nicolas Paul Gustaf, Duke of Ängermanland.

Although the name Nikolas is a very common Swedish name, the spelling Nicolas is rather unusual and may reflect the heritage of the newborn’s father, the American-British financier, Chris O’Neil. The newest member of the Swedish Royal family, the little prince is the sixth in line to the Swedish crown—one step behind his older sister, Princess Leonore Lilian Maria Bernadotte, Duchess of Gotland.

It remains to be seen whether the names of the Prince and Princess will have a significant effect on personal naming patterns in Sweden.

Click here for more information.


Annual Conference of the Welsh Place-Name Society, Llanelwedd, October 3, 2015

On Saturday, the 3rd of October 2015, the Welsh Place-Name Society will be holding its Annual Conference and General Meeting at the Royal Welsh Showground in Llanelwed.

Flag_of_Wales_2.svgThe aim of the Society is twofold:

  • to promote the awareness, study, and understanding of Welsh Place-Names
  • to increase interest in and appreciation for the history, culture, and language of Wales



To become a member of the Society, complete the Membership Form. For more information, click here.

France’s UMP party changes name to The Republicans

4056836338_526f9ca729_mFormer French President Nicolas Sarkozy has decided to run again for his old office. In an effort to reignite voters’ interest, Sarkozy announced that the opposition party would be changing its name from “Union for a Popular Movement” (UMP) to Les Républicains.

The name change has created quite a bit of controversy. Supporters have praised the move as a savvy and elegant way to attract voters who have moved far left of center while shedding the Party of old, unwanted political baggage. Critics worry that the move may help to strengthen and/or legitimate right extremism.

It remains to be seen how the onomastic make-over will affect the 2017 Presidential race.

Grexit and Grecovery

18213207664_6191ea6bbc_mAs economists and politicians argue whether or not Greece should exit the European Union, onomastic experts have watched the birth and spreading popularity of a new political name.

A clever blending of the place name “Greece” and the verb “to exit”, the name Grexit has become a part of the everyday vocabulary throughout the EU and beyond. The onomastic antonym to Grexit, namely Grecovery (a blend of the words Greece and recovery) does not seem to have made as much headway.

The difference in frequency and recognizability between the two names would seem to be a telling barometer of Europeans’ predictions for the future of Greece within the EU.