Call for papers: 5th Czech Onomastic Conference, Ostrava, Czechia, April 20-22 2020

The Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague) and University of Ostrava invite you to take part in the 5th Czech Onomastic Conference (the ACTA 60 Onomastic Conference and the 3rd Ostrava Onomastic Meeting Event), which will be held in Ostrava, Czech Republic, April 20-22, 2020.

The conference is organized to the 60th anniversary of the Czech onomastic journal appearing as Acta onomastica since 1995. The topics are: approaches to proper names (etymological, functional, communicative and pragmatic, quantitative, etc.); proper names in the interdisciplinary focus; codification and standardization of proper names; proper names in the centre of polemics and discussion. The deadline for submission of abstracts is November 15, 2019. If you need further information, please contact (Lenka Krahulcová). Please include your surname and the abbreviation ACTA60 in the subject line of your e-mail.

How hard is it to spell Fort Myers?

A sign on U.S. 41 was replaced multiple times because Fort Myers and Cyclery were misspelled. (Photo: Melissa Montoya)

Is it that hard? Apparently so. The Southwest Florida city’s name is often misspelled. Most recently, an egregious misspelling has made its way onto a directional sign for the Fort Myers Cyclery – or the Ft. Meyer’s Cyclery – on U.S. 41.

By Friday morning, Fort Myers Cyclery owner Diane Holm said the sign was finally correct.  “The first sign had the incorrect name,” Holm said. “The second sign had it spelled incorrectly. The third sign has it spelled incorrectly.”  And so on and so forth, she said.  Holm said she wasn’t sure if this was the fourth or fifth sign.

“It’s been fun,” Holm said. “We had Fort Myer up there for a long time, no ‘s’ at all.”

Click through to read the whole article, including a quote from the ANS’s own Cleve Evens:

History aside, when it comes to spelling names, people are going to spell it with what they’re familiar with, said Cleveland Evans, a past president and current member of the executive board of the American Name Society.

As for the errant apostrophe, Evans said: “It’s a common mistake, but it’s somebody that doesn’t remember how to use it correctly and should not be employed by your state government as a sign maker, obviously.”

About Names: Leonard prospered even before Nimoy on “Star Trek”

Leonard Nimoy / Associated Press

Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. In his March 26th column, he looks at the history of the name Leonard.

Live long and prosper!

That Vulcan greeting was popularized by actor Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015) as the “Star Trek” character Spock. Nimoy was born 88 years ago on March 26.

Leonard is a Germanic name combining words for “lion” and “hardy, brave.” It’s not as ancient as the similar Bernard (“bear-brave”) and Everard (boar-brave), because “lion” is from Latin. Lions aren’t native to northern Europe, so Germanic tribes learned about them as a symbol of power and bravery from the Romans. In medieval England, 177 churches were dedicated to St. Leonard. Families called Leonard had medieval ancestors named after him. In Ireland, Leonard was an English form of Leannán, “lover.” In the 1540s, the first decade all baptisms were recorded, Leonard ranked 24th for English boys. It remained among the top 50 until 1620.

In 1880, when Social Security’s yearly baby names lists started, Leonard ranked 78th. It rose in the early 20th century, partly due to immigrants. Leonardo was well-used in Italy because of artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), and Lev (Yiddish “lion”) was a common Russian Jewish name. Leonard was an American equivalent for both.

Want to know more? Read on to find out more about Leonards in history!

Kyrgyzstan debates renaming capital

Politician Emilbek Kaptagayev wants the city of Bishkek to be known as Manas, a warrior whose adventures make up a massive epic poem dated back to at least the 18th century. The former presidential chief of staff posted that this would prevent “any temptations that might emerge after the passage of the years” to rename the capital after potentially-divisive politicians.

The impetus for this was the decision of neighbouring Kazakhstan to change the name of its capital city from Astana to Nur-Sultan, in honour of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the country’s first president who stepped down last week after nearly 30 years at the helm.

Call for papers: Onyms in Space and Space in Onyms“, Lithuania, November 7-9 2019

The Research Center of Baltic Languages and Proper Names invite you to participate in The 4th International Scientific Aleksandras Vanagas’ Conference, which will take place on 7–9 November 2019 in Vilnius.

Proposed areas for reports

  • Proper names as a research object of the Lithuanian language, Baltistics and Indo-European studies
  • Onyms under the historical framework
  • The development, composition and origins of proper names
  • The current functions and usage of proper names
  • Onyms in digital space
  • Cognition space in onymy
  • The expression of historical, cultural and natural spaces in onyms
  • Theoretical Onomastics
  • Onyms under the framework of language contacts

Submission deadline for registration forms – 30 April 2019

Submission deadline for abstracts – 3 June 2019

The Crusaders change name following Christchurch shootings?

After a gunman opened fire on two separate Christchurch mosques, leaving 50 dead and dozens injured, Crusaders chief executive says that the organisation is listening to feedback over a change of name for one of New Zealand’s most decorated sporting sides. Minister for Sport and Recreation Grant Robertson says that conversations around a potential name change for the Crusaders is appropriate.

A reference to the medieval Crusades from Christians against Muslims between 1095 and 1492, the name ‘Crusaders’ could be taken as highly offensive and inappropriate. As calls for the Crusaders to consider a re-brand continue to grow, the inevitable question is beginning to linger. To what? Any ideas?

Nursultan, not Astana — Kazakhstan renames capital to honor ex-president

Kazakhstan’s second post-independence president wanted to rename the country’s capital after its first president, who served for 30 years.


Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was sworn in as Kazakhstan’s president on Wednesday, a day after longtime leader Nursultan Nazarbayev announced his surprise resignation. Tokayev, who had served as senate speaker, was the designated interim replacement according to the Kazakh constitution. He is expected to serve the rest of Nazarbayev’s term until elections in April 2020.

In his inaugural speech, Tokayev praised Nazarbayev as “an outstanding reformer” and called for renaming the capital city, Astana, “Nursultan.”

Voprosy Onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics) publishes Vol. 16 (2019), Issue 1

The editorial board of the journal Voprosy Onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics) is pleased to inform you of the publication of Vol. 16 (2019), Issue 1. The issue is available on the journal’s website.


Petrosyan, A. Ye. Towards the Reconstruction of the Name and Image of a Great God in the Ancient Armenian Tradition [in Russian]

Dirbas H. Onomastics and the Reconstruction of the Past: Rethinking Totemism in Semitic Traditions [in English]

Zaika, N. M. Distribution of Locative Surnames in the South-West of France [in Russian]

Feoktistova, L. A. Revisiting the Paronymic Attraction to a Personal Name: the Name Elena in Russian Dialects [in Russian]

Shvarev, N. M. Russian Names with the Stem Maur-, Testimonies of the Old Rostov Land [in Russian]

Rácz A., Tóth V. Settlement Names Derived from Ethnonyms as Historical Evidence: The Case of Medieval Hungary [in English]

Ivšić Majić D. The Medieval Attestations of Croatian Pre-Slavic Island Names [in English]

Khisamitdinova, F. G., Muratova, R. T., Yagafarova, G. N., Valieva, M. R. Color Terms in Bashkir Toponymy [in Russian]

Kostylev, Yu. S. The Soviet-Period Toponymy of Severnaya Zemlya as a Reflection of Ideological Struggle [in Russian]

Akhmetova, M. V. On the Revival of One Ancient Russian Katoikonym: Staraya Russa [in Russian]

Oinotkinova, N. R. On the Origin of Some Theonyms of the Shaman Pantheon of the Altaians [in Russian]


Kaksin, A. D. Toponymic System as a Resource to Explore the Ancient History of a Region: the Case of Khakassia [in Russian]

Book Reviews

Holzer, G. Slavic Substrate in the Onomastics of Saxony. Review of the book: Wenzel, W. (2017). Die slawische Frühgeschichte Sachsens im Licht der Namen / Hrsg. von A. Brendler, & S. Brendler. Hamburg: Baar. 205 p. [in German]

In Memoriam

Valentová, I., Kopach, A. I. Milan Majtán (1934–2018) [in Russian]

Vasilyeva, N. V. Theodolius Witkowski (1930–2018) [in Russian]


Ruf Aleksandrovna Ageeva [in Russian]


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Call for Papers: They, Hirself, Em, and You: Nonbinary pronouns in research and practice, Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, June 11-13 2019

They, Hirself, Xem, and You (THEY) is a three-day conference bringing together linguists and other researchers and practitioners working on topics relating to nonbinary pronouns in English. The conference will be held at Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, June 11-13 2019. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers working on topics relating to nonbinary gender (usage, users, and user experiences) in language, particularly in pronouns, in order to both raise the profile of this research within linguistics and other disciplines, and to build resources that can be used by educators, policy makers, community advocates, and researchers in other fields. Admission to the conference will be free.

It will include two interleaved tracks of talks and presentations: one featuring research from linguistics (L-track), and one featuring scholars and practitioners from other fields (O-track). There will also be a series of four invited keynote talks, open to the public, and one of the conference outputs will be a resource compiling information and resources on nonbinary pronouns, for general use. Please see the conference website for more information.

L-track proposals are due March 31, 2019.

O-track proposals are due April 30, 2019.

A downloadable Call for Papers can be found here.


Mandela clan backs renaming of Cape Town airport

The Royal House of Mandela has thrown its weight behind renaming Cape Town International Airport after Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. At Madikizela-Mandela’s funeral in Soweto last year, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (a far-left South African political party) Julius Malema made the first call for the name change, having said that if the African National Congress (governing party) was serious about honouring maWinnie and her legacy, it should name the Mother City’s airport after her.

Political parties disagreed in Parliament over the name change of the airport, with the ANC saying all names of Struggle heroes and heroines needed to be considered. The Airports Company South Africa has given the public until June 6, 2019 to submit names for the change. Once the public process is complete, a report of conclusions and recommendations will be compiled. Other names put forward include Struggle icons Albertina Sisulu, Nelson Mandela, Chris Hani, Robert Sobukwe and Alex La Guma.