Abcde, a name more common that you might think

Recently, a mother traveling alone with her disabled daughter on a Southwest Airlines flight encountered a blatant case of name discrimination at the hands of a Southwest employee at the ticket counter.  Upon discovering the daughter’s name, “Abcde” (pronounced ‘Ab-si-dee’), the ticket agent not only openly ridiculed the name within earshot of the family by proclaiming that “some parents should be slapped!”.… Read More

Call for Papers: LxGr2019, Ormskirk, UK, June 22 2019

A symposium on lexis and grammar is scheduled to take placed on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk (UK).  Entitled Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr2019), the focus of this event is Halliday’s view of lexis and grammar as ”complementary perspectives”.  LxGr is particularly interested in paper proposals that focus, for example, discuss different interpretations of the nature of lexicogrammar; operate within any theoretical approach that takes into account the interaction of lexis and grammar (e.g. Construction Grammar, LexicalGrammar, Pattern Grammar, Systemic Functional Grammar, Valency Grammar). 

If you would like to present, send an abstract of 500 words (excluding references) to Costas Gabrielatos ( Please make sure that the abstract clearly specifies the research questions or hypotheses, the corpus and methodology, the theoretical orientation, and the main findings.

The call for papers can be found here. The deadline for abstract submission is 17 February 2019.

Call for Papers: Conference on Lexicography in the Nordic Region, June 4-7 2019, Helsing­fors, Fin­land

From the 4th to the 7th of June 2019, Helsinki, Finland will be the site of a scientific conference on lexicography, “15 konferensen om lexikografi i Norden”. The primary languages of the conference are Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. The deadline for submission of abstracts for 20-minute scientific presentations is December 31, 2018.  For more on this event, please consult the official conference website.

The conference is organized by the Institute for native languages, in cooperation with the University of Helsinki and the Nordic Association for Lexiography. The theme is: Dictionaries – by who, for whom and why? Other submissions on lexicography in theory and practice are welcome. The posts can be in the form of lectures or posts  Three plenary speakers have been invited: Anna Helga Hannesdóttir, Iztok Kosem and Nina Martola.

Call for Papers: Research in Corpus Linguistics journal

A call for papers has been released for a special issue on Research in Corpus Linguistics for the peer-reviewed journal of the Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics, AELINCO. Scholars working within the areas of computational linguistics, typology, and lexicology are encouraged to send in their contributions by January 20, 2019. Submissions should be sent to the editor of the special issue, Dr Ignacio Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México) via email:

In particular, previously unpublished research articles and book reviews are invited which address one or more of the following topics: corpus design, compilation and typology; discourse, literary analysis and corpora; corpus-based grammatical studies; corpus-based lexicology and lexicography; corpora, contrastive studies and translation; corpus and linguistic variation; corpus-based computational linguistics; corpora, language acquisition and teaching; and special uses of corpus linguistics.  

Author guidelines can be found at the website.

Call for Papers: International Conference on Verbal Humor, Alicante, Spain, Oct 23-25, 2019

From October 23-25, 2019, at Spain’s University of Alicante (San Vicente del Raspeig), a session of the International Conference on Verbal Humor will be held.  For this event, a special call for papers has been issued for a panel that will address the relationship between humor and irony. For more on the event, please consult the conference website. The deadline for submissions is January 31st, 2019. 

Keynotes speakers include:

  • Salvatore Attardo ( Texas A&M University – Commerce)
  • Tony Veale (University College Dublin)
  • Victor Raskin (Purdue University)
  • Nancy Bell (Washington State University)
  • Helga Kotthoff (University of Freiburg)

They welcome original papers, written either Spanish or English. Abstracts must be no longer than 350 words (without references). Each paper will be presented within a 20-minute period, plus 10 minutes for discussion and questions.

Australian archaeologists dropped the term “Stone Age” decades ago, and so should you

The term “Stone Age” is used to refer to early periods in human cultural evolution, and to describe cultures that are seen as “backward” or “primitive”. This attitude can be sourced back to 1877, when American anthropologist Lewis Morgan argued that all human populations progressed through three stages of development: Savagery, Barbarism, and Civilization.

Stone working was a key technology as hominids spread throughout the world, and remained so until the Iron Age, which began about 3,000 years ago. After that, their use started to decline in some parts of the world. Contrary to popular belief, stone tool technology is not simple. It is highly skilled, requiring knowledge of geomorphology, geology, fracture mechanics and the thermal properties of stone.

Want to know more? Click through to this highly informative article at The Conversation by Alice Gorman, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology and Space Studies, Flinders University, Australia.

About Names: Marisa: from “Star of the Sea” to Hollywood Stars

Dr. Cleveland Evans writes about names for the Omaha World-Herald. In his December 4th column, he looks at the history of the name Marisa.

 Marisa is an Italian, Spanish and Portuguese blend of Maria and Luisa, though in Iberia it’s also from “Maria Isabel.” Italians often interpret it as being from Stella Maris, “Star of the Sea,” a title of the Virgin Mary. Marisa was rare in the United States before the film “The Rose Tattoo” debuted in December 1955. It starred Italian actress Marisa Pavan (born Maria Luisa Pierangeli in 1932) as Rosa Della Rose, a high school senior dealing with a distraught, overbearing widowed mother, played by Oscar winner Anna Magnani.

In 1994, 2,187 Marisas were born, ranking the name 146th. In 1994, girls named Marissa also peaked; 6,245 were born, ranking it 53rd. Originally, Marisa rhymed with Lisa (the pronunciation Berenson uses) and Marissa with Melissa, but they’ve inevitably been confused. Tomei herself rhymes Marisa with Melissa. Marissa is a blend of Mary and Melissa created in 19th-century America. The oldest Marissa I’ve found in more than one census is Marissa Cays, born 1877 in Michigan, but it was probably created decades before.

Want to know more? Read on to find out more about Marisas in American history!

Revised Call for Nominations for the 2018 Name of the Year

The American Name Society requests nominations for the Names of the Year for 2018. The names selected will be ones that best illustrate, through their creation and/or use during the past 12 months, important trends in the culture of the United States. It is not necessary, however, for a nominated name to have originated in the US. Any name can be nominated as long as it has been prominent in North American cultural discourse during the past year. For example, the Overall Names of the Year for 2017 and 2016 were Rohingya and Aleppo. Charlie Hebdo, the title of the French satirical magazine, won Trade Name of the Year in 2015.

Nominations are called for in the five following categories:

  • Personal Names: Names or nicknames of individual real people, animals, or hurricanes.
  • Place Names: Names or nicknames of any real geographical location, including all natural features, political subdivisions, streets, and buildings. Names of national or ethnic groups based on place names would be included here.
  • Trade Names: Names of real commercial products, as well as names of both for-profit and non-profit incorporated companies and organizations, including businesses and universities.
  • Artistic & Literary Names: Names of fictional persons, places, or institutions, in any written, oral, or visual medium, as well as titles of art works, books, plays, television programs, or movies. Such names are deliberately given by the creator of the work.
  • Miscellaneous Names: Any name which does fit in the above four categories, such as names created by linguistic errors, names of particular inanimate objects other than hurricanes, names of unorganized political movements, names of languages, etc. In general, to be considered a name, such items would be capitalized in everyday English orthography.

Winners will be chosen in each category, and then a final vote will determine the overall Name of the Year for 2018. Anyone may nominate a name. All members of the American Name Society attending the annual meeting will select the winner from among the nominees at the annual ANS meeting in New York City, New York on January 4, 2019. The winner will be announced that evening at a joint celebration with the American Dialect Society. Advance nominations must be received before January 2, 2019. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting. Please send your nominations, along with a brief rationale, by e-mail to either Dr. Cleveland K. Evans: <> or Deborah Walker:<>

The revised Call for Nominations can be downloaded here.