Symposium: “Dis/continuity in the representation of gender in names across languages” (Online, 22 Sept 2023)

From Jane Pilcher:

Dis/continuity in the representation of gender in names across languages

Friday 22nd September 2023, 13.00 – 17.00, BST

A free, online research symposium organised by Dr Jane Pilcher (Nottingham Trent University, UK) and Dr Ivona Barešová (Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic) on behalf of the People’s Names Research Network.

To find out more, read the programme and book your ticket for this free online event via Eventbrite
Find out more about the People’s Names Research Network

About the research symposium

This online research symposium aims to advance the present state of knowledge about contemporary gender-related personal naming practices especially in contexts, observed in many countries, of recent shifts around gender equality and in conceptualizations of gender as non-binary. The symposium brings together scholars who are examining gender and given names across a range of languages and cultures in Europe (Spanish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Czech and German) and Asia (Japanese and Mandarin Chinese). Contributors incorporate the latest findings about current preferences for expressing gender in names, identifying historical shifts, regional and cultural specifics, and their interactions with more general trends in gender relations and identities.