The Journal


NAMES: A Journal of Onomastics is one of the world’s leading scholarly journals devoted to the study of onomastics. Since the first issue in 1952, this scientific quarterly has published cutting-edge, original articles, notes, and book reviews that investigate the derivation, function, and impact of names and naming.

In 2021, the online content of NAMES moved to its new home at the University of Pittsbugh, as an Open Access journal. This means that online access to every issue of NAMES will be free to everyone! We are excited about sharing our work freely with scholars around the world. The print journal has ceased publication, but back issues may be available. Please contact us with inquiries about back issues.

View the complete list of the editors of NAMES.


Indices to Past Volumes

Click here for NAMES Index Volume1 to 15

Click here for NAMES Index Volume 16 to 30

Click here for NAMES Index Volume 31 to 45 by SUBJECT or NAMES Index Volume 31 to 45 by AUTHOR


Other publications

We continually strive to make past ANS publications available to our members. You can download PDFs of the following papers:

Ernest Pulgram, Theory of Names (1954)

Submitting a Manuscript to the Journal

To submit a manuscript, please visit the new website of NAMES and review the Submission Checklist.

All manuscripts submitted for possible publication will be subjected to double-blind review by an international team of name scholars from the ANS Editorial Board. All manuscripts submitted to NAMES must adhere to the NAMES Style Sheet. This Style Sheet is based on the latest version of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS).  All submissions to NAMES must follow the Author-Date System of the CMOS. In addition, authors are requested to review the Manuscript Guidelines. Submissions that violate these guidelines will be rejected automatically. Before you submit your manuscript, please be sure to consult the Author Checklist to make sure that you have met all of the publication requirements.  Authors may ask questions about the journal by contacting the NAMES Editor-in-Chief, Dr. I. M. Nick, via the following email address <>.

Assistance for International Authors

NAMES warmly welcomes submissions from scholars from around the world. However, international authors who have a native language other than English are reminded that the primary readership of the journal is composed of native English speakers with advanced university degrees in linguistics and literature. As a result, one of the primary criteria for manuscript acceptance is English grammar and style. Authors who have a native language other than English are, therefore, strongly encouraged to use professional editing and proofreading services before submitting a manuscript for possible review.  Below are contact details for two approved NAMES-approved professional proofreaders. Please note, however, that while the services of these experts have been approved by the NAMES Editor-in-Chief, any and all contractual agreements which authors may enter into with either of these professionals are completely independent of and separate from any future or concurrent association with the American Name Society, its officers, and members; the ANS scholarly journal, NAMES; and the University of Pittsburgh, the publisher of NAMES.  In addition, while utilizing proofreading and/or editing services before submission are strongly suggested, this step is neither a mandatory prerequisite of submission nor is it a guarantee of acceptance for manuscript review or publication.  Further, authors are warned that English grammar and style are only one of many criteria used by reviewers during the manuscript assessment process.  For more information about preparing and submitting a manuscript to NAMES, consult the NAMES website.

NAMES Editor-in-Chief Approved Proofreaders

Charlotte Schwennsen is an English-language copyeditor and French-to-English translator. She has six years of experience helping writers communicate their ideas clearly and effectively. She holds an MA, Translation and Linguistics (French) from The University of Westminster, with a focus on institutional and technical translation and theory, and a BA, Philosophy and French from Hampshire college. Her website is

Emily Moorlach is a native English speaking editor and an American Translators Association-certified French to English translator. She holds a B.A. in French and a B.S. in Accounting from Iowa State University and has always loved getting the tiny details just right, whether they be letters or numbers. Her work as a linguist began in 2016, and she has loved making it her full-time career. To learn more about Emily, please visit her website ( or LinkedIn profile ( ).


Writing or Soliciting a Book Review

Each issue of NAMES: A Journal of Onomastics includes critical reviews about some of the newest scholarly publications appearing on the market about names and naming. If you’d like to write a book review or suggest a book for review, please contact Dr. Chris De Vinne at cdevinne[@]

Best Article of the Year Award

Each year, the Society issues an award for the best article published in NAMES: A Journal of Onomastics. All articles published in the journal are automatically considered for the award. Winners authors are selected based on the overall significance of the article as well as the potential contribution the article to the study of onomastics. Awardees are selected by members of the Editorial Board. Recipients of the award are given a prize, a commemorative plaque, and our profiled on the websites of the ANS and Taylor & Francis. In addition, press releases about the winners are sent to the international media. You can view past Award Winners.

Subscribing to NAMES

NAMES: A Journal of Onomastics is an open access publication available to all regardless of membership in the ANS. Membership in the ANS supports this open access nature of the journal. To join the ANS, please click here to access the ordering page. Payment will be processed through Stripe, using a credit card.


Need help?

Our goal is to make the process as painless as possible – but we know that problems do occur. If you encounter any difficulties registering your membership, accessing online material, updating your account, etc., please contact us at info[@] Our goal is to make the process as painless as possible – but we know that problems do occur. We will do our best to expedite your membership request!