Call for Papers: Onomastica Canadiana

canadaflagOnomastica Canadiana, the official journal of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names / Société canadienne d’onomastique (CSSN / SCO), is now inviting submissions in English or French for Volume 96 (2017). Papers in any area of onomastics are welcomed, including (but by no means limited to) studies of place names, personal names, brand names, literary/fictional names, and indigenous names. Authors wishing to offer an article for publication in Onomastica Canadiana should visit the CSSN website to download the Contributors’ Guide, which contains information about the peer-evaluation process as well as stylistic recommendations. This material may also be obtained by e-mailing a request to

What’s in a Brand Name?

1280px-chicago_tribune_building_-_chicago_-_illinois_-_usaWhy was Tribune Publishing’s re-brand as Tronc a failure? This week’s New Yorker addresses sound symbolism and its importance in choosing a brand name.

Kitten-sized extinct ‘lion’ named after David Attenborough

356646479_4d423c1177_mOnce upon a time, a miniature feline predator prowled Australia’s underbrush on the search for unsuspecting birds, frogs, insects, and lizards. For several decades, this razor-toothed, pre-historic marsupial lion has been the subject of intense study among the paleontologists of Australia’s Riversleigh World Heritage Fossil Site (WHFS). However, this year, the extinct mini hunter has also caught the attention of animal name lovers. In honor of Sir David Attenborough’s tireless support of the WHFS, the species has been officially named Microleo Attenboroughi.

Changing our Names

2000px-hello_my_name_is_sticker-svgWhy do we change our names? This article discusses some of the factors behind this monumental decision. ANS President Dr. Iman Nick is among the people interviewed and quoted in the article.