Results: Brookfield Zoo’s Wolf Pups Naming Contest

9129960062_4e77397c45_mThe votes have been counted. The hard decisions have been made. The three adorable wolf pups born in the Chicago Zoological Society’s Brookfield Zoo finally have names to call their own. After receiving more than 20,000 suggestions, zoo authorities have announced that the furry trio have been bestowed the names Rio, Azul, and Ela.

ICOS 2014 Proceedings Published

CaptureICOSThe 2014 conference proceedings are now published and available on the ICOS 2014 website:

Names and Their Environment. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Glasgow, 15-19 August 2014. 5 vols, edited by Carole Hough and Daria Izdebska. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2016.
The proceedings are available for download either by volume (five volumes in total) or by individual paper (organized by thematic section on the website).

Call for Papers: University of Warsaw Lexicography Conference

16567745718_afe493a9d1_mThe University of Warsaw has announced an upcoming lexicography conference called “Key Words / Słowa klucze / Schlüssel-Wörter.” The purpose of the conference is to bring together different methodologies and levels of language/discourse analysis.

The deadline for 300-word abstract submissions is August 31, 2016. The conferences languages are English, Polish, and German. Interested author are asked to email their abstracts to [].

A select group of accepted presentations will later be published in the journal “Tekst i Dyskurs” / “Text und Diskurs.”

Call for Papers: 19th Century Lexicography Conference, Stanford, California, April 6-7, 2018

6304394866_72d4d54060_mThe 19th Century Lexicography Conference will be held from the 6th to the 7th of April, 2018, at Stanford University in California. The aim of the conference is to compare dictionary-making in Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Pacific and beyond to discern inter- and intralingual lexicographical pattern. Interested contributors are asked to send abstracts by the 1st of September 2016 to Sarah Ogilvie ( and Gabriella Safran ( Abstracts may be no longer than 300 words (excluding references).