Ukraine’s Decommunization Gets Boost As 175 Towns, Villages Renamed

5940946823_16f6706657_mOn the 4th of February, the Ukrainian Parliament approved changing the names of 175 towns, villages, and districts. The momentous onomastic sweep is a part of the government’s ongoing effort to “de-communize” the nation. Many of the new names that have been chosen are older names which existed before the Soviet influence.

The onomastic makeover has not been with criticism. According to the February 11th issue of Radio Free Europe, many ethnic Russians in the Ukraine have taken offense to this plan.

Americans recognize ‘past presidents’ who never were

19552168234_53d9d35a1e_mNot including Presidents Obama, Clinton, Bush, or Reagan, how many US American Presidents can you name in 30 seconds? Now be honest, how many of you included Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Moore, and John Calhoun. If you did, you are in good company.

According to a 2016 psychological study on naming and recognition conducted by H. Roediger & K. DeSoto at Washington University in Saint Louis, many Americans routinely misidentify the names of famous historical figures as US Presidents.

Tarantula in Black: Dark, Hairy Spider Named After Johnny Cash

"I will make you hurt."

“I will make you hurt.”

Tarantulas are famous among spider- aficionados for their spectacular range of colors. From neon blue, dusty purple, and sunburst orange to soft charcoal grays and milk chocolate browns, the world’s catalog of tarantulas come in a dazzling array of hues.

In 2016, a newly discovered species delighted fans of the eight-legged giant. A sleek, black, newcomer who immediately reminded scientists of the legendary singer-song-writer, Johnny Cash. In honor of the star, the tarantula was named Aphonopelma johnncashi.

Survivor band members in fight over name

3186012706_651c373ca5_mIn 1996, the Chicago rock group “Survivor” made headlines when it was announced that co-founder James Peterik would be leaving the band. According to a recent lawsuit lodged in the Chicago federal court, it seems that that musical split did not end the association.

According to the lawsuit, Peterik has continued to use the Survivor name without legal authorization. This is not the first time that the legends of US classic rock have made headlines over trademark infringement. In the fall of 2015, the band sued one-time Republican hopeful, Mike Huckabee, for his unauthorized use of the Survivor hit, “Eye of the Tiger” at a rally to support Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses.