U.S. Olympic Committee willing to revise record to show Caitlyn Jenner as winner of 1976 Olympic decathlon

8206733386_8ce998bfaf_mIn the 1976 Summer Olympic Games, US athlete Bruce Jenner captured international headlines after winning the gold medal for the decathlon. Now, almost 40 years later, the Olympian has made world-wide news again by telling the story of a personal transgender transformation.

In honor of this journey, Jenner has adopted the new female first name, Caitlyn. According to Patrick Sandusky, spokesperson for the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC), the organization would consider substituting the name Bruce with Caitlyn on all official records, if a formal request by the athlete is made.

See this article for additional information.


Isis is removed from the list of hurricane names

4989555315_b0512756e4_mThe UN’s World Meteorological Association (WMO) has announced that the name Isis has been officially removed from its list of hurricane names in 2016. This decision marks the first time that a name has been banned for its association with a terrorist organization.

According to the WMO, in the minds of most people today, the name Isis is no longer primarily associated with the magical goddess of ancient Egypt; instead it is now associated with the group accused of committing atrocities in Iraq and Syria. In this context, the name “ISIS” is an English acronym for the full phrase “Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham”.

Clare Nullis, UN spokeswoman from Geneva, Switzerland explained that the WHO Hurricane Committee will be replacing the stigmatized moniker with the name “Ivette”.

For additional information, see this article and this article.

New Zealand Geographic Board’s World War I Place Naming Project

15421234291_ff6532aff5_mThe New Zealand Geographic Board has just announced a special World War I Place Naming Project.

The goal of the project is to highlight national toponyms connected to the First World War and to publicize the histories of the people and events which served as their namesakes. To mark the centenary of the war, the project will feature the 30 prominent WWI toponyms, and will officially inaugurate 16 others.

The general public is invited to participate in this special naming project by nominating places and spaces in New Zealand for onomastic recognition. Nominations can be sent to tww1placenames[@]linz.govt.nz

Controversy over the Name of the Edmund Pettus Bridge

Edmund Pettus Bridge

Edmund Pettus Bridge

This year marks the 50th anniversary of a series of Civil Right Demonstrations for Voting Rights. On the 7th of March, 1965, unarmed demonstrators and activists were brutally attacked by Alabama state and local law enforcement officials armed with tear-gas and billy clubs. The scene of what is known today as “Bloody Sunday” was the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

On the 3rd of June, 2015, the Alabama Senate voted to change the name of this historic landmark to Journey to Freedom Bridge.

Supporters of the onomastic legislation argued that the name change would:

  • honor the memory of the Civil Rights protest marches which culminated in the legendary March on Washington and the momentous “I Have  a Dream Speech” by Martin Luther King.
  • rid the landmark of the original name-sake: a U.S. Senator, Confederate General, and Grand Dragon of the KKK.

This second reason caused controversy; both Pettus-critics and Pettus-supporters argued that the name is integral to remembering the remarkable history of Southern racism and activism.

While the Alabama House of Representatives decides on the onomastic resolution, the city of Selma came together at the beginning of this month to celebrate the diamond anniversary of this (in)famous U.S. American landmark.

For additional information, see this article and this article.

Dennis Hastert’s Name Removed by Alma Mater

15458549691_0f30779fcd_mWheaton College, the alma mater of the former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, J. Dennis Hastert, recently announced that it will be removing the politician’s name from its public policy center. The announcement came in reaction to Hastert’s federal indictment in connection to his having paid over 3 million dollars to conceal his sexual misconduct during the time that he served as a highschool teacher and wrestling coach. Click here for more information, as reported by The New York Times.

Wheaton College is certainly not the first to undergo onomastic purging after news of a namesake’s criminal misconduct surfaced. Just last year, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the district board voted to remove the name of State Senator Manny M. Aragon from the library at Lowell Elementary School after the politician was sent to federal prison for conspiracy to defraud the over 4 million dollars from the state of New Mexico.

Domain Name “Dot Sucks” Controversy

15906241262_786ee57c44_mNew controversy has erupted over the domain name “dot sucks”, which encourages the creation of many protest addresses.

Just a few of the most sought after names to be conjoined with the “.sucks” domain name are Apple, Google, Microsoft, CocaCola, and McDonalds. To protect their brand, many such companies have already bought up domains featuring their brand/company and .sucks.

These domain names cost almost $3,000, compared with less than $100 for typical domain names. The company Vox Populi owns “.sucks”.

For more see on this development, see this Wall Street Journal article.

Banning “Redskins” as a Mascot Name

4822540384_173d27437c_mThe California Assembly has passed a bill banning the use of the name “Redskins” for highschool mascots.  If the bill becomes a law, all California schools would be required to expunge what many Native American activists agree is an offensive and injurious moniker by the year 2017. In June 2014, the U.S. Patent Office officially canceled the trademark name with the argument that it is “disparaging to Native Americans”.

Place names session at the International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG), London, July 6 2015

8672040494_9181fd9a50_mThe 16th International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG) will include a session on place names, historical toponymic mapping, and the contemporary reconstructions of place names in Europe and Palestine. This session will be held on the 6th of July 2015. The ICHG will take place in London, at the Royal Geographical Society, from the 5th to the 10th of July 2015. Click here for more information.