Saturday 11 – Sunday 12 July 2020
GR 06/07, Faculty of English, 9 West Road, Cambridge
Domesday Book reveals that England in 1066 was bounded by complex borderlands to the north and west and criss-crossed with a plethora of internal boundaries demarcating hundreds, shires and other districts. How did these borders and boundaries operate? How did they evolve over time from earlier borders, such as the early Mercian border demarcated by Offa’s Dyke?
Saturday 11 July 2020
Session 1 9:30–11am
Rory Naismith (Cambridge): ‘“Bige Habban”: Money, Trade and Cross-Border Traffic’.
Neil McGuigan (St Andrews): ‘Scots, Normans and the End of Middle Britain: the Emergence of the Anglo-Scottish Border’.
Tom Lambert (Cambridge): ‘Jurisidictional Boundaries and Local Custom in Anglo-Saxon England’.
Session 2 11:30am–1pm
David Parsons (CAWCS): ‘Place-names and Offa’s Dyke’.
Keith Ray (Cardiff): ‘A Purposefully Multiplex Border? The Late C8th – Early C9th Mercian Marchland with Wales’.
Rachel Swallow (Liverpool): ‘Shifting Border, Shifting Interpretation: what the Anglo-Norman Castle of Dodleston in Cheshire might be trying to tell us about the Eleventh-Century Northern Anglo-Welsh Border’.
Plenary lecture 2–3pm
Chris Lewis (Institute of Historical Research): ‘England’s Boundaries 1066–1086 and the Limits of Domesday Book’.
Session 3 3:30–5:30pm
Oliver Padel (Cambridge): ‘King Athelstan and the Cornish’.
Robert Gallagher (Kent): ‘Language, Landscape, Borders and Bounds: Ninth-Century West Saxon Charter Production and its Possible Implications’.
Rebecca Thomas (Bangor): ‘Asser and the Borders of Alfred’s Kingdom’.
Charles Insley (Manchester): ‘The Merfynion and the Mercians: the Anglo-Welsh Borderlands before the March’.
Sunday 12 July 2020
Session 4 9:30am–11am
David Thornton (Bilkent): ‘I’m an Englishman in Newport: Anglo-Saxon Landholding in Domesday Wales’.
Jacob O’Neill (Lancaster): ‘Exploring Ecclesiastical and Tenurial Landscapes across a Frontier: Two Case Studies from the Anglo-Welsh Border’.
Ben Guy (Cambridge): ‘The Pattern of English Policy towards Wales in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries’.
Session 5 11:30am–1pm
Alex Woolf (St Andrews): ‘The Fosse Way: The First English March?’.
Richard Purkiss (Oxford): ‘The Limits of the Danelaw’.
Ben Allport (Bergen): ‘Political and Spiritual Borderlands: Danelaw Conversion Strategies and the Dedications to St Clement’.
Registration costs £20, inclusive of lunch and refreshments on both days.
To register, simply fill out the form below