Investors dismiss analysis from those who have less favourable surnames

Investors and financial advisors may be influenced by an unusual element of a stock market forecast – the analyst’s name. That’s the finding of a new study by researchers at the Cass Business School in London which discovered that a more favourable surname elicited stronger market reactions to earnings forecasts.

The researchers measured surname favourability using the US historical immigration records to identify countries of origin associated with a particular surname and the Gallup survey data on Americans’ favourability toward foreign countries. The research paper ‘An Analyst by Any Other Surname: Surname Favorability and Market Reaction to Analyst Forecasts’ is conditionally accepted for publication in the Journal of Accounting and Economics.

The $33-million deal for the naming rights

Ten years after custody of the struggling Cobo Center transferred to a regional authority, the 59-year-old Detroit landmark has a new identity of fiscal responsibility — and a new name.

The Detroit Regional Convention Facility Authority said on 20th February it had struck a $33-million deal with Chemical Bank to rename one of the largest convention centers in the United States. Chemical Bank CEO Tom Shafer said the company will pay $1.5 million annually over 22 years for the naming rights. Should the bank’s merger with TCF Financial Corp., the center’s name would be the TCF Center. A new name will be finalized by the end of 2019.

Lecture: The Crimean toponymy in Ukraine, Berlin (Germany), March 14, 2019

The German-Ukrainian Academic Society cordially invites you to their next lecture “The Crimean toponymy in Ukraine: living evidence of the centuries-old interactions between Crimea and the mainland Ukraine”. What relations exist between “decommunization”, historical toponymy, and how Ukrainian society perceives the changes of geographical names? What lessons could we learn from this complex story? Lecture will be given in Ukrainian by Roman Alieiev, engineer at the Research department of MAN Truck & Bus AG, PhD student at the Technical University of Braunschweig.

When: Thursday, 14 March 2019, 18:00 – 19:30 (entry from 17:30 onwards)

Where: Embassy of Ukraine, Albrechtstraße 26, 10117 Berlin

REGISTER by the 11th of March at: berlin (at) ukrainet (dot) eu.

The Surnames of Cornwall

The book, The Surnames of Cornwall (published in January 2019) , a gazetteer of family names in Cornwall, grew out of the Surnames of Cornwall Project. That aimed to study the surnames by looking at the historical evidence for their geographical distribution and at early spellings. The Surnames of Cornwall

  • gives the purported meanings for 760 of the surnames which were the most common or the most unique to Cornwall in past times.
  • includes spelling variants of the names.
  • describes the areas in which the names originated and where they were found in the 1800s.
  • notes some well-known bearers of some of the names.
  • includes an introduction setting out the context for the study of surnames.

10 Questions about Icelandic Names

Icelandic names have left many a foreigner puzzled and tongue tied. On the volcanic island in the North Atlantic lives a nation of a little over 350.000 people with it’s own language and a unique alphabet. Jón Jónson and Björk Guðmundsdóttir might seem like a random jumble of letters but in Iceland they are as mundane as boiling hot water shooting out of the earth.

Naming traditions in Iceland are fascinating and might seem complicated to the outside eye. Icelandic people often get questions from foreigners about their names. The following are answers given by Laufey Haraldsdóttir to some of the most common questions about Icelandic names.

Call for papers: 29th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference, Algaida, Spain, October 4, 2019

The 29th Anthroponymy and Toponymy Conference will take place on 4th October 2019 at the Casal Pere Capellà (Algaida, at the University of the Balearic Islands). The call for abstracts will remain open until 31st May 2019.

The thematic areas are:
a) Toponymy. Geographical aspects
b) Toponymy. Historical aspects
c) Toponymy. Normative aspects
d) Anthroponymy. Philological and historical aspects

If you would like to present a paper, we would appreciate it if you would send the title of the paper and abstract (300 words max.). Registration for attending the conference is also now open. Registration is free. We will be issuing attendance certificates.

University of Minnesota task force urges renaming Coffman Memorial Union


A University of Minnesota task force has recommended changing the names of four Twin Cities campus buildings because of what it deemed their namesakes’ racist or anti-Semitic practices. The group’s report, released in February 20, comes after a 16-month process that some regents and students have criticized as overly plodding, with the task force following up last year on the work of an earlier committee. The task force backed renaming Coffman Memorial Union — for former U President Lotus Coffman, who presided over a major university expansion but also excluded black students from campus housing and programs — as well as three other buildings. President Eric Kaler will review that report and present his own proposal to the U’s governing board in March.

Call for proposals: The 2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics

The 2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) will be held at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, Colorado. Nationally and internationally, the AAAL conference has a reputation as a comprehensive and stimulating conference. Conference participants can look forward to in-depth colloquia, paper, poster, and round-table sessions, as well as topical and thought-provoking plenary presentations, excellent book exhibits, and plentiful opportunities for networking.

Proposals are invited for individual papers, colloquia, posters, and roundtable discussions. The deadline for proposal submission is 4:00 p.m. on July 17, 2019 (EDT; UTC-4).

The Republic of Macedonia officially renamed “Republic of North Macedonia”

The official change of the country’s name was first implemented on Macedonian government website, which will be followed by the replacement of signage at the various border crossings due to take place today.

The flag of  NATO was raised in front of the Macedonian government building in an official ceremony held on the 12th February 2019 to mark Macedonia’s signing of the accession protocol to join the military alliance. The photographers documented the removal of old signs and the set-up of new ones. There is a five-year period laid out in the Prespes Agreement for all official documents and references to transition to the new name, so one should not expect changes overnight in all aspects of the country’s life.

Call for Papers by American Language Journal

Submissions in the 2000-8000 word range will be considered, with a focus on:

– linguistics and literature
– second language education
– Native American language education and revitalization
– heritage language education
– computer-assisted language learning (CALL)
– language policy
– applied linguistics

There is no preference for any particular academic subject. As such, articles will be accepted in a number of languages, including (although certainly not limited to) English, Spanish, Navajo, and Mayangna.

All papers are peer-reviewed. We would be happy to discuss your submission if you have questions. Please submit any question, abstract, or article to