From the 6th to the 9th of September 2017, an international conference on Spanish lexicology and Applied Linguistics will be held by the Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera” or ASELE at the Universitat Rovira I Virgili-Tarragona, Spain. More details on the XXVIII Congreso Internacional de ASELE, the abstract submission process, and registration can be found here.
On this occasion, specialists from all over the world teaching Spanish as a foreign language will gather to study and debate about Lexicon and culture in LE / L2: corpus and dictionaries. This central theme is divided into three work blocks. The first will deal with the treatment of lexicon in the Spanish classroom as LE / L2; in the second will be addressed vocabulary and culture in the Spanish classroom as LE / L2; and the third will be centered on dictionaries and corpus in the Spanish classroom as LE / L2.